I was thinking about puting this up, but I figured someone else would! XD
Saix is close to being my fav, but I still can't hear him laugh in that cutscene. The deepest voice I hear is Xemnas. Xaldin's almost as bad as Demyx, so I can count him out. I definately did not hear Xigbar, Luxord, or Axel. Xigbar laughs when he blocks Sora and co., so we know what he sounds like. Luxord emits an evil giggle at PoTC world. Axel is just Axel, enough said about him. But I want to hear Saix! DX
Laugh Ham!?! XD He does steel the evil laugh, doesn't he? Sora's right. He is a "kook!"
Yeah! I was thinking about that! I just checked! I didn't hear Saix, but I definately heard Xaldin and Demyx, and maybe Xemnas. But they laugh all together so it is hard to tell. You'd think if Saix did laugh it would stand out, considering how loud he yells when he goes beserk! XD ...Demyx's laugh is so silly. :P
Just a silly thread for once! ;D SOoooooo, I've been playing Final Mix and I noticed something: Saix never laughs! Not even in his battle! Every other organization member laughs or snickers at least once in the game. I swear! Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion (yes, Zexion), Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, and Roxas ALL get their "giggles" on at LEAST once! Though with Axel it's rare. But Saix.... NO! NOTHING! The closest thing you got to a laugh with him is a smile. And that's pushing it! :O Larxene I think is the one who laughs the most. It's freaky. I was fighting her one night and when I went to sleep I could STILL hear that laugh in my dreams. She's scary! DX Zexion's surprisingly sounded quite insane! So did Lexeaus' for that matter. O.o Marluxia's is funny. It starts off as a "heh heh heh" and then it turns into a "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" XD I would have been laughing too if he wasn't so difficult to kill! Anyways, enjoy my insane little rant! This is NOT a serious thread! :D
XD The Poll! Anyways you should ask Xaldin. He can translate well.
Thanks! The forms have been easy to level up, it's just the problem of finding the time to do it with all the stuff happening in my life! :) I play for only about 40-60 minutes a night. Last night I was messing around in the Caveren of Rememberance and I couldn't get to the second door. My abilities are still to weak to get across the gap with the pipes. I just need to level up some more I think. Either that or I'm seriously lame! XD
Oh gawd! I hated that one! DX It took me many tries to get it. I think I ended up just releasing the X button when I reached it and fell on to it. I'm having trouble in the Cavern of Rememberance, right now. I really need to level up my forms.
Cool! I'll make sure to try that! Thanks!
KH2 Final Mix! Why you do this to me!?! Anyway, fellow fans, could you give me some advice on what to do? I have changed forms in all the boss battles in TWTNW up untill the Final Battle and STILL haven't got Final Form. I kinda need it, considering it comes with the glide ability. I keep trying when fighting the common Nobodies in TWTNW, but the game is still giving me zip. Help would be greatly appreciated! *pout* ~twilightsbringing
I think it should be all of them. Well, the Xehanort Bald dude is probably going to be the villian, so it would be difficult to play as him. But I think the player should be able to play as them all. Just think, as you progress through the game's story, you play as different characters. Also, by the sound of it, I think Nomura is shooting towards a number of games. What would be cool in my opinion would be to play as different characters in each game. So far, I like all of these characters, so I definitely don't want to miss out on any of them!
I am questioning about TGS myself. This site will be quick to update I'm sure!
The first one, Kingdom Hearts: The First Door, was supposed to come out on Aug. 1st, but I haven't been able to find it. I looked on Amazon, but it said it was only available for pre-order. Some stores are even saying that they won't be getting it untill the 30th! So my question is: Does anyone know where I can find them to purchase? Or, does anyone know what the hold up is all about? Thanks, twilightsbringing
>:O Don't insult your fellow geek! See the link below, moron! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation...ts&qh=boost:popular+age_sigma:24h+age_scale:5
I think this is a different scene that wasn't in the secret ending. I have seen another scan where Terra has half of his helmet blown off.
"Irked" me? Great use of vocab! XD Yes, I know what you mean about the secretive stuff. Sora's like: "Oh! Hey, King Mickey!" Mickey: "SHHHHHH!!!!" Sora: "I have to ask you-" Mickey: "SHHHHHH!!!" Sora: "But I-" Mickey: "SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" =.= It was just annoying.
I agree with the idea that keybladers can choose to weild two keyblades. But I don't think the keyblade chose Mickey. Yen Sid said he found it. I remeber reading in a Nomura interview that one of the mysteries he wanted to clear up was Mickey's time in the Dark Relm. Perhaps it was sort of a quest for Mickey to find the Dark Keyblade and use it to close the Door to Kingdom Hearts. To close the door, a key from the light (Sora's keyblade) and the dark were required on opposite sides of the door. I hope Mickey's quest for the Dark Keyblade is touched on in the next KH installement.
PS1.75? Hmmmm... I think I could handle that! XD