Yaaaaaayyyy!!! =DDD!!! your welcome Val!! ; D
I did say happy bday! D:
Okay wtf? xD I am confuzzled..anyways soo when you gonna tell me Ian? :3
Hii Ian! =DD still thinking of the new manga storyline?
=DDD Hi Valerie happy bday! even though I dun knoe you but still ^^ yay
Lolz silly Ian xDDD :3
=DDDDDDDDDDDD!!! Relle?! Awsome!!! what's it about? :3
Well I don't have THAT much of amazing skills and all..but I can draw! =D
xDDDDD Awsome!! spider pig spider pig that's whatever a spider pig does!! :3 X3 squeee!! I am Lucy-Nyuu!!! X3
Hiiiii and welcome to kh-vids!! ^^ post lots and have fun!
Hey DP =D it's nice to see you back! lolz but yeah sumtimes that happens on teh pc xDD same goez for meh ;_; oh boy..anyways..what's up? ^^
Aww T__T I still remember when you said hi to me when I was new here too I'm gonna miss you La Sofa!!!
I'm kinda tired too..I had volleybal practice and I had to do homework and study for 2 test for Tuesday @__@ I think my head will explode..
Hiii and welcome to kh-vids =D
I'm good and you DP? =D
Finally it's Friday X____x.....
Hiii and welcomez ti kh-vids! ^^
Hiii and welcome to kh-vidz! ^^
Hiii and welcome to kh-vids!! ^^
Hiii and welcome to kh-vids! ^^