OOC: OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!! lol, I laughed so hard when I read your post! (cuz it was so random) Its okay, ^^ Also, I'm sorry I laughed at you, but the way you wrote it, made me laugh so freakin hard, but I am okay now. BIC: Laulite was almost there. He hated wearing shoes. And socks, but he didn't put any on. He touched the neckace, then walked on.
oh. kay. ^^ I am getting a little bored, too. Not completely bored yet, though.
OOC: kay, ^^
ah, nothing to do? At all?
OOC: OMG, your post made me laugh. Yes, it is getting a little mushy, but it is cute!^^ Well, okay, maybe it is getting really mushy, but, still, your post made me laugh!!!!!
Laulite was figuring out the shortest route to the dump. I can't use the stones because Rob doesn't know I know how to use them. It would take me around half an hour to get there on foot, but if I cut through the construction site then it will only take me 15 minutes. He groaned. That means I am going to have to put shoes on.
nothing really. reading some fanfic, and laughing my a** off. ^^ What cho doing?
pretty good!^^ hows you?
OMG!!!!!! GARFIELD!!! I FREAKING LOVE GARFIELD!!!!!!!!^^ Hiya!! :p
Philippe was still shaking with mirth as he made his way up to his bedroom. When he got there, he took off his cloak and flopped down on the bed.
Laulite fingered his necklace while he read his book.
OMG, that is SO freaking funny! lol Kay, byes ^^ PS: sorry couldn't respond sooner, had to go do something.... Anyhow, See you later!!!!
OOC: I am back! BIC: Laulite layed on his bed, reading a new book his parents had got for him. Even though he new what was going to happen tonight, he was still a little anxious.
Laulite got off the bus and headed home. When he got there, the house was silent, as usual. He went upstairs to his room. OOC: gtg
That must have be SO fun!!! Yes, way better than math.
Laulite sat there, bored.
Really? Where did you go? Hiya!^^
Laulite took a seat, a little away from everyone else. He put his back against the window and put his feet up so he was sitting sideways. He popped a candy in his mouth and waited for the bus to move.
Hello!!!! ^^
whats up with everyone? I mean, how is everyone doing? *munches on a cookie*