I do hope that was a typo. >.>
Told you my password, could I get a cookie?
This is MADNESS! In other words, I think it's best if this was locked.
I don't see racists, I see nubs. Except DW.
Bomb Iraq. D<
First off, I don't believe in Sins. I don't believe in God, Jesus or that other crap. (I kinda do question God's existence, but I still say I'm more of an Athiest.) So I don't think there's such things as Sins anyway. I do believe in Karma to some extent though. I do have a feeling that if you do something bad, it'll eventually come back to kick you in the asz.
That's BS, at the best. Nothing but a bunch of dammed racists. It's amazing how much Americans have turned out to be low-lifed BASTARDS.
I'll have to go steal some...
Alright, where to begin... Eragon Harry Potter 4-5 The 3rd Naruto movie Chronicles of Narnia POTC 1-3 Trouble in Tokyo >D Spirited Away An American Tale Bruce Almighty Phantom of the Opera Epic Movie (kinda) Brother Bear LOTR (haven't seen in it forever) Star Wars (haven't seen it in forever either) I think that's it...
I want some porno pictures of Sasuke in my room too. Why doesn't he share? D:
Jesus, why's everyone getting banned all of a sudden? I'm next?! :bored: Nyuuz.
Alright, I gave it another shot... I've been trying to toy around with the FG a bit, but I honestly don't think I'm doing it right. T_T CnC, I guess. :bored:
V2 wins by a longshot.
You always win Arc. We fail.
Glad we've finally got things settled then.
This is MADNESS!
I'd have to say another model of mine is my old friend from school. I always wanted to be like her. XD
True, true...
Abutbutbutbutbut!!!!!!..... D: My day is ruined. Will some extra youthful Roxas cookies change your mind? *say yes plz* Anyway...Byes DW. :(