You're poop on rye.
I'm not making fun of mish, she likes the dog, thats enough. They're both approximately equal in gay, however I'd have to say that the 2nd one is somewhere between the dog's level of gay, and your user name level of gay.
Your sig is gayer than the dog in my avatar.
True story. First post gets it.
IT doesn't matter, her sig is poop on rye.
Your sig is poop on rye.
You have no idea Jube.
PM me for uncensored version.
**** You **** **** ****, Ill Eat Your ****, Then **** Out Your **** And Make You Eat The **** That I Ate Then **** Out."
Um Cin, I love you. This is amazing. No negative points. It looks good overall.
I wish I had a DS like my bro, I'd play this all the time xD
Yea, I've been waiting for this game for a loonnngggg time, gunna buy it for PC soon, hopefuly with my next paycheck. =)
Agreed with above.
all I have to say is Super smash brothers brawl.
Its hard to judge something unless its more elaborate =_=
The sad truth is, most farm owners are very much non caring of the animal's existance. They will kill it if need be for any reason, moral or not.
Are you just out of your mind? If I call someone ******ed does that mean I hate all ******ed people? F no it doesn't. Its just a commonly associated word for a negative term that is used loosely as an insult. Its like calling someone stupid.
Hasn't this argument been around forever? Sort of a silly thing to go on about. You can get into a lot of detail over the media and how it portrays women poorly, and how barbie is a bad role model, etc, but at the end of the day you're only proving what everyone will agree with.
I can't understand how anyone would be mad or upset or even shocked really. Its not like it changes who they are lol, its just a personal preference. Its the same exact thing as coke or pepsi.
The text sort of kills it. Its too generic, especially when there is so much going on in the sig itself. Try something more flowery looking.