Question: How come you never respond to me on msn or aim? ><
VOTE MUDKIPS PEOPLE Thats the cast for a tv show. Well, not really, they are voting for the cast. VOTE MUDKIPZ! Mudkipz vs. Females
Fake. There would never be a movie like that. Additionally, the scene where he is holding the man and is shooting at the cops is from Romeo & Juliet. >_> I watched it in School, so I know. -_- It almost looked real, then I saw a clip from a movie I knew. Besides there would never be something like that with that story. >_> Mainly because the Titanic was indeed a real tragedy. You don't see people who died on 9/11 come back. That would be an insult to make a movie like that.
For barrel spiders, I believe everything is a bit... random. >.> You just need patience and luck. Sitting there beating there butts for 3 hours & not getting anything isn't luck. :/ I wouldn't have the patience. xD
Thanks for posting. ^.^ Well, more to come.
Erm, I think this goes here. Anyway, I have no idea how to do graphic stuff other then palette for mugen, so if it's bad, you know why. I'm just going to post all my work here. Also, I use PSP 9.
You're an adult now. You know what that means? You must father some babies. Or mother. Idk if you're a girl or boy. >.> <.< Omae wa yawai. Happy 18th birthday!
Well, I'm going to be more active and pursue teh mod dream, now that parties are out of the way. T.T And I'm bored. Entertainment, Nao. Edit: Damn I accidentally put a D in Nixon. -__-
Cool. I wanna know what Marluxia's place is. O.O
Roffle. Do I want to know what was posted? XD True, this was the second time I heard "F*ck" in an AMV in the top five chosen by Deathspank. It was in the one by Linkin Park this week.
Yes, I am SharinganUchiha777 there.
This really isn't rule breaking, but this is a mugen character I made & am still making. If you don't know what mugen is or how to use it... tough luck. It's a fighting engine. You turn sprite sheets into characters. I can make the Axel com sprite sheet a character in which you could play as him. But for now... Uzumaki Naruto! Credit to my friend Neimad for ripping the sheet! And my senseis Cyanide, Anjel, Naruto500, CommanderCool, Hyuga Neji. He can't do much, no attacks, but I will update him often.
Twilight. Or nothingness. Nothingness shall take you...
Liar. :P Omae wa yawai.
You had me there. :O
I have a question. Would swap magic coder be able to utilize these codes?
PWNED. I just took meh math A regents today. My teacher just called (before I left, I was like "grade mine first plz" XD). 96 bishies. >_> <_< YEAHZ. Any of you get yours graded yet?
O_O 1200+ Posts & Premium already? :/ No one even repped me for the F.A.Q. thread. Wow, you sure are active. I'll beat you during the summer time. >_> Edit: ラクシーヌ - I remember you. O.o Isn't ラクシーヌ = Roxas?
You... You were my bish. :/ Then you became Admin. :/ I'll get you. Edit: Who's Higher Being? I don't remember many people. XD
Well, not really. lol. It's just I haven't been on or updated my KH2 FM+ Faq in a while because of school. School is almost over for me. Just math regents tomorrow. :/ Italian Proficiency Monday. Living Environment Regents Wednesday. + Last day of school. ^_____^ So, when everything is over, I'll be back, updating the F.A.Q./Walkthrough, trying to mod powers, and coding mugen characters (if any of you play mugen, but I'll be making Naruto ones using NC4/SND4 sprites). Not that any of you know me or miss me. :/