I thought I would start this thread for anyone that has one of these games, Here you can agree upon trades, Set up Battles, share Friend Codes for you Pal Pad, etc. Character Name: Arc Friend Code: 1504 3200 8873 Desired Pokemon: Turtwig, ChimChar Started with: Pinplup Current Location: Soleaceon City Thought I would get it started, I play on Pearl by the way. My starter is a male, though I will try to get a ditto to breed it if you need a Pinplup. edit: Anyone can feel free to add me to their roster, though I wont hardly be on WiFi until next week, unless im at a friend's house. My Wifi USB connector is being ordered on Friday from the Nintendo website.
In a few hours I have an interview for back stock/loss prevention(security) for my local Wal Mart store. =/
Yesterday was my b-day... <.< >.> that is all.
Server change deleted this thread, so here it is again. This game is my newest addiction(next to Pokemon Pearl) but I was wondering if anyone else plays this? I play on the Bahamut Server under the aliases Elidibs(gotta love Final Fantasy Tactics) and Xetjsin(my nobody's name ((Jestin+X))) I would love to play with you guys if you are in fact on here as well. Looking forward to seeing your posts.
I'm looking for people playing on the Mia server to join me in this game. Post your names here if you do play!
Who wants to go to bed with me? *marks down everyone*
Her operation went terrific and she is healing perfectly. She said for me to tell you all she says 'Hello" and she is going to start trying to come around to visit tomorrow, and is glad that you all(or at least most of you) wished her well and thought about her.
and need entertainment....I command entertainment!
I am going to bed now. Good night.
Go back to posting in my old hot pink font? Like this of continue like this? The choice is yours!! Score so far: Hotpink: 4 Crimson: 10
If anyone wants to have a voice chat, hit me up on skype my name is Xetjsin
of my new avatar!?
Face me evil *******, Smell the hate of angels Glory, pride and bloodshed Cowards and beholders, Rapers of my wisdom mix of dust and bones Go back to your abyss, Algalord will not fall but your heads will soon roll Test the blade of heroes, Fury of the thunder hit my golden shield So we'll fight against the wind For the glory of the kings To defeat the evil enemies And we'll ride with our lord For the power and the throne in the name of holy thunderforce Arwald and Aresius With the nordic warrior on their way to Hargor Chaos and oblivion, Turmoil and disorder will have now their name The last fallen heroes Will defeat your forces Thousand spirits calling On the furthest mountain I will see your fire Quenched by holy frost! So we'll fight against the wind For the glory of the kings to defeat the evil enemies And we'll ride with our lord For the power and the throne in the name of holy thunderforce (Solo) Face me evil *******, Smell the hate of angels Glory, pride and bloodshed Cowards and beholders, Rapers of my wisdom mix of dust and bones Go back to your abyss, Algalord will not fall but your heads will soon roll Test the blade of heroes, Fury of the thunder hit my golden shield So we'll fight against the wind For the glory of the kings To defeat the evil enemies And we'll ride with our lord For the power and the throne in the name of holy thunderforce So we'll fight against the wind For the glory of the kings To defeat the evil enemies And we'll ride with our lord For the power and the throne in the name of holy thunderforce So we'll fight against the wind For the glory of the kings To defeat the evil enemies And we'll ride with our lord For the power and the throne in the name of holy thunderforce Holy ! Holy Thunderforce! Force! Yeah...I'm bored <.< >.>
Do all your discussion purposes here for the story entries please.
I seem to have gotten a virus from Cronoking XD so if im on your list and you get a zip file with a message saying something about pictures, do not save it.
We edited the premium group due to the fact that there were a few who didn't earn the rank. Any user that does not meet the 1000 post or 100 rep requirements are being removed from that usergroup until they once again meet the requirements. if you have any questions or comments feel free to post here, or pm me personally.
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Im going to sleep now, see y'all in the morning
I am restarting this chapter since the last thread was so outdated. If you wish to read chapters 1-3 go here I will begin with posting chapter 4 in this thread. Enjoy. Please leave comments so I know what you all think. Chapter 4: Escape The young Cleric, Katie, and the deadly Assassin, Jessica had been on the run for two days now. A few groups of Dephonile mounted knights pursued them, but 'The Harbinger of Death' dispatched them with inhuman ease. Now, the two women rested in a small camp they set up deep within a forest. "Do you think we can find somewhere to be free?" Katie asked worriedly. Her fingers gently slide across the handle of her recovery staff, as they always did when she was nervous. "Don't worry..." Jessica said softly. Her crimson hair was matted to her face from dirt and sweat. "I said I wouldn't rest until your happy. if that means I have to kill the entire army to find your paradise, I will." Katie just smiled and nodded. "Thank you." She whispered weakly while her stomach growled hungrily. "How can you kill so easily?" Katie asked after a few minutes of silence, the thought had been racking on her mind. Her friend was so sweet and seemed so innocent, like a totally different person than when she was in a battle. Her aura even, felt different. Jessica just smiled and looked at the Cleric. "I was raised with a knife in hand...I know nothing else....kill or be killed." she said, looking down into the fire. It was obvious to any who would look at her, that she was hiding something painful of her past. Katie sighed and nodded. "I see..think you could teach me?" Jessica's eyes narrowed. "Blood does not belong on your hands, allow me to burden those pains. You just focus on your prayer." Katie sighed, feeling completely useless. Feeling that the conversation was over, she went into her tent to try and get some sleep for the night. Jessica smiled and relaxed, setting her knife down as an arrow shot from the bushes, hitting her in the chest. "Katie, RUN!!" she screamed as she fell over into a pool of blood. Chapter 5: Prisoner of War Katie bolted from the tent and ran into the forest. Her heart was hammering and her cheeks stained with tears. "Why..?" She thought to herself. The poor Cleric girl ran until her lungs felt like they were on fire. She saw a small town, as she broke through the forest. She reached out for it but soon her vision blurred and she collapsed. The Dephonile soldiers picked up the limp body of the beautiful Assassin and dragged it back to the commanding officer. "We brought one of the girls, Sir. The tall man clad in golden armor growled. "I said unharmed!" An archer with deep blue hair stepped out. "I made sure I missed her vitals...She merely lost consciousness.." General Aden smiled grimly. "Good, take her to my quarters, and remove all weapons from her person, I will interrogate her soon." The soldiers nodded and dragged the limp body away as ordered. Aden walked into his quarters and tied Jessica against the wall, her hands above her head. Jessica slowly opened her eyes while Aden applied some Elixir to her wounds. Aden smiled grimly as his brown eyes locked with hers. "Your going to obey me, or else..." Jessica laughed. "Or else what?" Aden looked at her and licked his lips, showing his intentions and causing Jessica to squirm. "You can do nothing to me that hasn't been done already you piece of-" Aden cut her off with a hard backhand. Jessica's head hung low again as she fought to push the pain from the plated gauntlet hitting her away. "Like I said...nothing new..." She laughed. "Where did you send the Cleric?" Aden asked, pacing back and forth slowly. "To somewhere safe....where you won't get her!" she screamed and spit at the large man. Aden growled and punched her in the stomach, causing Jessica to choke and wheeze. "Answer me!" He growled as he tugged her head up to look at him. "I did, you fat *******!" She growled right back, spiting at him again, this time hitting him in the eye. He threw her head back, slamming it into the concrete behind her. "Where were you fleeing?" He asked again. "Somewhere....nice...lots of flowers...no...disgusting perverts or horny toads." She answered, glaring at the man defiantly as he proceeded to punch her again, this time making her go unconscious. Derek having Accepted his friend's help finally led them from the town, seeing a forest. "I think that might be the safest route he said, walking towards it. Bethany ran ahead. "Someone's there!!" she screamed as she saw the figure of a young girl laying motionless on the path into the forest. "Careful, it could be an enemy!" Grenz called after her. Yes, I know its a short chapter, but I enjoy writing small chapters that are written with a more toned FEEL rather than a lot of descriptive words to jumble the mind while taking it in, I like the reader to be able to imagine how it looks for themselves.
I'm looking for someone to make me a title screen for my game im making, The picture is included in this post(if the attachment thing lets me) the request is relatively simple... I want the words Dragon Breed on this image Full creativity to whoever undertakes this...and I thank you all in advance. edit: The image is smaller for some reason...it should be 640x480 =/ oh well I can always resize it