i would bow but she knows it hurts me to bow but i stil join
sephiroth held his sword in his mouth keeping watch
sephiroth sat on the base of a tree and stared at the stars
"no if we are attacked i cant fight, larxene might be able to but she is to tired to protect you and fight, and roxas is most likely the same"
" i think we need to stay obviously kairi is to unstable to go anymore"
" yes but its a danger if we go on and get attacked while we are so distracted"
"ok obviously we arent getting much farther tonight so here is a good place to stop and think"
ooc: im not going to be able to post much im hurt no Qs please
" people we need to stop thinking about our loved ones "
sephiroth walked over and hugged her and looked her in the eye "they are fine nothing has happened i would know if it did"
oww smileys hurt too
"dammit girl they are fine sora has even beaten me once and no one has a reason to go after them at the moment"
"good now i think cloud would have gone north lets just hope G doest figure that out too"
sephiroth tried to hurry but larxene was slowing him down for his own safty but he still didnt like it "ok then hurry up now"
"ok " he put his arm around her sholder
"of course im sure ive been worse" he smiled and cringed a little and kept limping
" no no really im fine, youve done enough i can manage" ooc: wow im really like my char now
sephiroth stared at kairi "choose now" then he started to limp away
sephiroth had heard enough "im healed enough we need to move out, so who is coming and who is leaving the group"
"they are fine i would actually prefer it if you left to get them instead of fighting here"