that was really good although i didnt read it all cuz my eyes were hurting it was ahmazing *gives best story award* congrats
OMG they are soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!! yout think you could make a doggy squibble ???
ohh that must really suck i guess well umm good luck and i'm sure u'll b greatly missed
well although i thought the ending was kind like normal u know the good wins the evil dies and every1 is happy it was still a good book and the ending was okay i guess and i don't think the last 2 movies will live up to the rest cuz the 5th one rly wasnt that good so i kinda doubt the rest will b n e better but who knows and although i always hated snape my feeling toward him r kinda confused cuz he always seemed like the bad guy but noe its like things just turned around so i'm not quite sure
its nice a bit dark but okay
lucky it just kinda got me into trouble cuz i don't think my friends liked it rly so now i just try 2 b myself
yeah me 2 first KHCOM then my friend got my KH for my b day and now i'm going to get KH2
i also like belle hmm and thats it really
umm stayed home 4 a while went to indiana dunes went to da movies got mad at my friends cuz i was being stupid and yeah that is about it i guess oh and i went shopping
well now my fav song is stranger by hilary duff
hmmm never heard of dem but i'll check out some of their songs
yeah i know i'm kinda fed up wit it cuz its hsm this hsm that but i like the "stick to the status quo" and yeah i guess thats it
hhmmmm.,...... i guess i regret not spending time wit my friends and not i don't know i just regret not being a better friend
its rly nice i like it Good Job! :)
hmmm no kh3 well i'm not rly good at vid games so i don't think i'd mind really i might be a bit dissappointed but otherwise its kinda no big deal to me
hey cristhor welcome to the forums just read the rules post alot and have fun see ya around :) hey yea i just noticed that hmmmmmm
that muct rly suck poor u why don't u ask ur parents 4 a new phone?
hmmm my username i guess imeans well its kind of a nickname i picked out 4 me and i got it cuz my advisory teacher use to call me very straberry but i shortened it to just Very Berry
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................??????????????????? I'm rly confused
maybe u have asthma cuz my brother does it what u desribed kinda happens 2 him sometimes but idk why don't u tell ur 'rents or someone who will listen and maybe dey can take u 2 a doctor hope u get better :)