I'm getting the impression that no one like meh lol xD JK.
I think Nat is finally blow a fuse.......sad thing to see.
I wish I owned the Death Star.
No....not really...only mister snowball does that to meh.
You make me cry like a little school girl....:crybaby: xD, JK.
A funny Renji fan girl xD.
That is a little creepy.
Okay, *shrug*
Wait what list......I'm conphuzzled.
What have I done to desirve such a beating and a lashing.......not that i don't love it ^_~
*Slightly scolds* I won't give up.......x_x
*scolds Nat* Bad Nat....that is a bad Nat.
Why LOL xD Jk.
*sigh, holds head in shame* Yes....chuu are right.
No.....I...mean....... ****! *sigh*
>.> <.< Darn chuu for being right.
I....knew...it....damn you mister snowball.
True considering the fact he wants to rule the world.
He is actually a she....I just like to make her/him mad.
Don't provoke him.....he is scary when provoked...