*Hugz* No cruelty! Do you want a box of chocolates? Or another HUG?
And Sailor Moon when they screwed it up.
Lol. But, Roxas ain't white, right?
I didn't either. I played it died, and threw it down. THE END.
Lmao, so true.
Er, Ichigo has strawberry colored orange hair? Bleach is very interesting. NO BLEACH HATE. XD
I knew the President had the Wii before we even knew it! He must have been testing it!
People, I just chose that title because I wanted to. :/ And Cin, I'm not dumb, I barely watch TV and I don't listen to those fools in the media anyway. I was saying THAT money basically caused a lot of problems and such, I don't know why everyone is all upset about the title. Anyways, I feel that people should look beyond money and into it's matters. Money causes problems. People who are greedy for money will do ANYTHING just to get it. This causes wars (if you look at greedy politics) and big name celebrities. It's really sad how people chose money to get into power - you, now can buy your way into being president as long as you've got 2 million dollars and a deal.
No, I don't think I've seen anything like this. Lol, just because they didn't see a doorway to heaven and God waving down at them doesn't mean he exists. What is it with people and this "You have to see it to believe" incentive?
Yup, probably includes the 666th page in the Bible. Also, I went to Rapture-Ready web site, and they had a whole list of things people are afraid of the 666 number: 666 Number of the beast 668 neighbor of the beast 660 Approximate number of the beast DCLXVI Roman Numeral of the beast 666.0000 Number of the high precision beast 0.666 Number of the millibeast 1/666 Common denominator of the beast 666 [-/(-1)] Imaginary number of the beast 1010011010 Binary Number of the beast 29A Hexidecimal number of the beast -666 Negative number of the beast 00666 Zip code of the beast $665.95 Retail price of the beast $699.25 retail prices of the beast plus 5% state sales tax $769.95 Price of the beast plus all accessories and replacements $656.66 Wal-Mart price of the beast $646.66 Next week's Wal Mart price of the beast $333.00 After-Christmas sale price of the beast $222.00 Going-out-of-business sale price of the beast Phillips 666 Gasoline of the beast Route 666 The way of the beast 665 Older brother of the beast 667 younger brother of the beast 666 UP Soft drink of the beast 666lb cap Weight limit of the beast 666 F Oven temperature for cooking roast "beast" 666k retirement plan of the beast 666 mg Recommended minimum daily requirement of the beast 6.66% 5-year CD rate at First Beast of Hell, $666 minimum deposit 20/666 Vision of the beast 1-800-666-6666 Toll free number of the beast 999 Australian number of the beast 6"X 6"X 6" Lumber of the beast 66.6 GHZ Computer processor of the beast 666i BMW of the beast 666-66-6666 Social security number of the beast 6/6/66 Birth Date of the beast 666.AC.com URL of the beast IAM 666 License plate number of the beast Formula 666 All purpose cleaner of the beast 666 calories Diet of the beast 969 Dyslexic number of the beast WD-666 Spray lubricant of the beast 66.6 MHz FM radio station of the beast 666 KHz AM radio station of the beast Chanel No. 666 The beast's favorite perfume 666% What the beast gives in his game. Lol, that's pretty scary, ain't it?
I know, how many letters are in that thing? O_O
Yes, he sure does. Maybe the Devil is angry and he doesn't want him to injure us. Well, at least I know God is there. :)
If you're afraid of the number: 666 number of the beast in Christianity (the Antichrist), then you are hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic. I'm not, though, but can you believe there are people in this world who won't drive on streets with 666 in the adress, read the 666 page in a book, and live in the house with the adress 666?
My grandmother had breast cancer, and it was a REALLY big shock for me and my mom. I even skipped school sometimes to watch over her. Luckily, from our constant prayers she survived.
We wanted to go to San Francisco but one of the bridge's there had problems too, so...I guess we have a good reason to be here. But, maybe we'll go to Palm Springs or something...if we don't burn up in the process.
did they also have vBullentein?
something happens. One thing, me and mom and grandma wanted to go England and France again and it's raining cows and horses there. Then, we wanted to go to Greece and Rome and it's over 90 degrees there, and then we wanted to go to Texas and Arizona and it's flooding up to people's ears there. Then, when we said we were going to go to Switzerland this bridge collasped in Minnesota, and then it was raining in Germany and it's too dangerous to go to Dubai and Egypt, and my grandmother won't see a foot - or hair - in Moroco or Spain. Is it just me, or is God stopping us from going out of the California, because nothing has happened at all! It's totally clear and perfect here in Cali. I don't know, it keep recurring...and it's kind of freakin' me out, lol. Has this every happened to anyone else?
I can imagine. Here's a good tip: My grandmother is on a diet (she doesn't have diabetes but she had high blood-pressure), and Aspartame and Saccharin are really bad for your body. Sacchirn has been tested on lab rats and within a few days the rats had massive brain tumors. So, you might want to buy things with Splenda* in it or things that aren't sweetened, like non-sweetened iced tea and lemonade. :)
Maybe the staff needs to think about getting a safer server than vBullentein. :/ Obviously vBullentein is not strong enough to give these attackers some difficulties of entering and messing up the websites.
Well, luckily you caught it early, or else he may gone blind and all the other scary stuff.