"Answer me! are you Vexen?" Quid asked pointing his keyblade at the hooded figure, "you sure are stupid aren't you" said the hooded person as it took off it's hood to reveal that it was a girl with blond hair and antenne like bangs. "what?" Quid said confused, but took up his stance again, "then tell me who you are"
Quid had followed it all the way back into the castle, the minute he stepped inside a weird feeling buzzed around his head, he knew this was the same feeling he got when he encountered Vexen, as he awoke from his thoughts he saw the small nobody swing around a corner "Wait!" he screamed following it and drawing his keyblade. He followed it into Ansems room and quickly disposed of it, it was then that he heard a small giggle, turning aroung he saw someone in the corner in a black organization coat "Vexen?"
Quid decided to go out into the Great Maw, he was hoping to find another nobody, peering around he saw one and followed it ooc:what happened while i was gone?
i was drawing, i got some pics up on my DA account
hey CtR! what's up!
lol hey ................................MOOSE!
wake up!!!
well i'll put you down as "waiting" until you put down your character
lol i share a birthday with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tom green
hehe cool, i made this rp, in case any of you want to join click
hey guys, how's it goin?
yes that is, even more crazy delicious than red vine and mr.pibb cookie for you
yea but is it crazy delicious?
one or two more people should be all we need
:D you're added
cool, i added you on the list, 2-3 more people then we'll start
i know everyone agrees uh anyone?
go ahead and put down your character -EDIT: okay i put you up-
stupid title, i know made out of boredom no real plot, the spirits of angels and devils work with humans to battle each other (something like shaman king but different) it will all happen in a big city , Zion ~Rules for the RP~ -no spam. ooc's and btw's only -don't overexaggerate in battles or about your charcter (god-modding) -pm only me concerning all story ideas -all who wish to join after the start must pm me then sign up here -no random story lines/going off on random journeys sign up: Name: Partner(angel/demon) their form(will be your shadow when not fighting)and name: Appearence: Bio: History: Likes/Dislikes: Personality: Weapon: your partner (angel/demon) becomes the weapon my guy: Name:Nero Partner:Crow(demon), Appearence: gargoyle Appearence:here Weapon: his partner fused to his arms for hand to hand, can also form wings Personality: very serious, listens to music alot Likes: food, is always seen eating something/ Dislikes: being ordered around History: He used to live with his sister until she died, christian Bio: he joined up in this because Crow promised to revive his sister ~Character list: Rikurep-Nero/Partner-Crow ShadowofRiku-Noaki/ Partner-Yochi NaminesGirl-Kixona/Partner-Rixina LordKnightXiron-Marcus/Partner-Mikhul
it was pretty good in my opinion i liked it!