SHUSH! ......... [fillerz]
I LOVE YOU! And energy vitamin water *glomp*
Firefly- breaking benjamin
WHY!? That sucks.
Results 1 - 10 of about 217,000,000 for Element [definition]. (0.07 seconds) >_>
I want duct tape.
I dont know what that looks like but there might be a icon that looks like this If so you'll know what to do.
*huggles* ....
Wow... o.o
*hears Flush* *hears robyn scream* Many strange toilet happenings on that trip. And your the one that hid the poop slush note. And blew up the toilet And kidnapped that hobo...
Chocolate milk? *is high off it* Lol foor Misty: POOP SLUSH!
Well its nice to know he is alive. ^_^
Staring at a squirrel.
I closed it down.... Afer the first 5 seconds.
O_O wtf?
I ate it :3 Restart you copmputer.
Oh yay! Thats good to hear.
Hippie bus