Errm, okay. The render is a bit low quality. And I don't really understand the lines, they just confused me. Try to blend it more in with the background, because it seems pretty 'out there'. The text is good though, and the background too, I would just suggest the blending and a higher-quality render. Sorry if that didn't help at all.
I'm not sure people's most awkward moments are comfortable letting everyone read them. < . < Cause I'm certainly not gonna, but all I can think of is me and my friends were watching a movie, then 3 of them left (at the same time to go to the bathroom), and I was alone with just 1 friend....if I was able to say more I would have, but people would probably laugh at, I'm just gonna leave it at that....
Oh, okay lol. I needed to ask somebody...hehe...
I'm sad.... :( anybody got cookies to cheer me up?
Finally! I'm invisible! Woot woot!
I think you should go to a Signature Shop/Avatar Shop and request it there. I think you'd get one faster that way.
22768 :( this stinks....I didn't prove anything to anybody......
............ ........... I didn't get top 5........ :(
I was aiming for the Top 5 this week, but oh well. Nice picks by the way. And yeah, I seem to liked the second one better than the first one, it just seemed more....interesting to watch.
I'm fine, I'm just trying to make new sigs....I'm getting better though.
Like what Misty said, but don't forget that it can't be the movie file (unless you know that) that you upload on the site. It has to be a saved movie to your computer (at least that's how it works for WMM).
Yeah, I heard about that game. It's seems pretty decent, I even checked it out and it looks pretty fun.
:( I feel your pain. I'm alone a lot of the day.
Hey people, what's all the hubhub?
Okay, thanks for helping me out. Besides that, I was wondering, when I'm on the page for downloading the brushes, and it says like 'Crazy Brushes' or 'Splatter brushes' etc, how do I donwload them from there?
I wouldn't blame ya....I it was submitted in Dec. '05, I think that if you made a drawing you would ask for ratings as soon as possible.
< . < Damn, I'm pointing out the obvious again? >< I gotta stop doing that.
I have like 380+ posts here....
22716 I'm alive....too..... Hi everybodeh.