Evasive >_>
I'm not sure whether that was regarding the cross dressing, or self ego feeding. Failure to read opening post is a talent.
Then you should probably comment about it on the artist's page, not this thread.
Since when did reputation = popularity?
I feel tempted to try and force you onto the SA's cross dressing wagon. Crono says I have nice skin.
Wow...just...wow. It's not her's learn to farking read previous posts. :\
PROTIP: Take two tablets. :\ Obviously if you snarf a whole bottle or something you're going to get side effects.
.....LOL Have you ever heard of aspirin? Come on.
It was implied that people do get raped indirectly from meeting people off of myspace lol. And yeah, that was crono, not Hissora.
I love it when people blow things out of context ;D
Now all you're doing is turning this into a debate as to whether depicted pornography is acceptable or not. I don't see why you have such a problem with the concept. Is it specifically yaoi about 'your favorite characters' or is it just drawn porn in general? :\ Until Nomura himself says he doesn't want his characters used for such purposes, no one gives a shit. And even then you know people would still make adult images in association with the games. It would have the same effect as the Temperance Movement. If the latter, then I don't see where your argument even is. Drawn pornography has been around for centuries, I fail to see how a change in style makes it any different. You have a pretty unstable support system here... In other news, it seems like this is heading for the Debate Section.
Why does everyone at this site fail horrible at reading previous threads? For god's sake, it's even stickied.
It wasn't particularly entertaining anyway, since he didn't mess with anyone's else's name.
Hello, friends. And stop being so damn modest, CSI girl. XD
That's not what I'm implying, I don't see why people are hyped over this. He's a full access admin, probably lol.
I don't see the excitement in this.
Twease Twat + tease = twease :3333
....This is really not worksafe. I mean, I'm one to talk, but even I wouldn't post Kasumi in wet white clothing. :\ You should likely edit that.
I know. This five year old I always end up with a parties gropes my ass and shit. His parents and all the attendants think it's entertaining. :\ Then when I swear in front of him they bitch at me for corrupting their perfect child of god. PROTIP: BEAT YOUR KIDS and lol @ watching RE with her.
Oh god. At least it isn't the clingy kind that always try to hug you. I pity you still.