Jack invited me. And a ride to get tickets would be fabulous, almost as fabulous as sweqsora222. he was fabulous. But I might need a ride to the movie as well.
Seeing as it's a movie, and movies are generally longer than TV episodes.
You are going. Then I'll go too.
Here are mine: 1. cloudfinalfantasy 2. cloudfinalfantasy2 3. cloudfinalfantasy3
Agreed. x2.
It's quite fun, but I must admit I'm apartial to the Zombie shooters they supply. Unfortunately, these games use up your card in about ten minutes, as you keep dying but you've been sucked in so you're addicted and you keep swiping the card... Remember, Roxas? We used up a whole card on that stupid zombie game and ended up losing anyway.
come on now. don't ruin that night by calling it a date. that just makes it gay.
Ungodly? I'd categorize it as "godly" since it's a power most humans don't have. Or maby Dogly, as dogs can do it too.
sdklfjlak;sdjf;lasdkjflaskdjf;lkasdjf;lksdjf;lkasdj;lksjgasldkjgasd magic date ball that night was classic. **** homecoming.
My adoring fans are everywhere. Yes, I am Bobby. I was also Matt in KH-Vids Royale II: Live Action. And I think that's it.
Everyone who voted Britney loses. *pukes*
But he gets +1 for the avatar. Win.
sweq was so nice. he is missed.
. Easily fooled. More like just stupid. xD
Just making sure. 'Cause I've been misinterpreted in the past.
That's good to know. Sadly, I don't. I masturbate more than I drink tea. EDIT: Please. This is a joke. I don't drink tea. Don't take it seriously like everyone thought the HSM-Vids.net was real and they thought this whole thread was real. I. Am. Kidding.
lol Roxas this whole thread is a joke. I know it was tea. I hope.
And Roxas finally joins the fray.
Their kids would probably masturbate excessivley and tell their friends about it.
The way he's smiling all creepy just scares me in a really, really funny way. This thread started out as a joke. Most of my posts are taken too seriously XD