Axel chuclked, and looked over at Nyxie, and frowned. Nyxie had fell over laughing, and was giggling on the ground.
Yep... isnt the nickname she gives him 'Kenny' or something of the sort?
Nyxie bursted out in a giggle fit, as she watched the video.
YEAH! HER! *points at girlie*
Nyxie giggled. But... Xemnas... She replied in a mock flirt. You two are so adorable together! she added.
*Thinks*... Do you take this... oh, wait, no..... thats for weddings. Oh well! *buries flowers*
\Nyxie took the picture from Marluxia, and burst out laughing. WOuldnt the rest of the organization just LOVE this!! She cried, and giggled, before giving the picture back.
yes. He has this scary spiky hair, and an eypatch, and a scar... and this little girl who is always with him. Or at least, I think,.... ((reminds me of a Xigbar/Axel mixture)) I KNEW IT!!!
21896 I WIN!!!
But WHY? He asked, and snickered. Axel, give it up already.
Yeah... hes a character from Bleach... I think.
Axel chuckled. ..and?
Axel snorted. ...SO?
((They..were...playing?? -insertedpervertedthoughtshere-)) Axel froze. Why am I getting punished? Im the VICTIM! Oh, Axel! Can it! NYxie snapped.
ME: *slaps kenpachi* ******!
reffering to saix and Xemnas Nyxie glared at Xemnas, infuriated. Axel however, was slowly sidestepping out of the room....
((what were the two boys doing?? *is scared*))
Me: *slaps Axel* Well no duh!
((poor Zexion...))