fdsfshou .
v2 is better, but make it so that the light scource affects him. Again, good job :).
Well, for starters, change the direction of the light scource. On the render, there is a shadow, and the light scource is right there.... so wtf xD? Now, for the left side, I say make it feather out, so get a 200 px brush and make one stroke, so the lines are not as harsh. It would look better IMO. Good job :).
It's pretty good :). But, I say remove the text from his throat lol. Also, I say remove the lines from the left, because it ruins the flow IMO. And I must say.... you need to re color this tag XD Good job, though.
Yes, it is. But I wanted to see what people thought rate wise I guess? Anyways, thanks for your comment.
I remember I put a "sock" on my "head". $50 to anyone who gets this.
Guys, calm down, jeez >_>
I can't make sigs until friday, so sorry about that.
Video Card's are like $1000 dollurz to update.
Video cards are like $1000
I meant put some effects over the shoulder so it doesn't look like he's slapped on there. You just made it monotone lol.
It's good, I like how you did your effects, but you need to add some more and sharpen them, like maybe some "debris" going upward around the stock. Also, add the stock again, and erase most of it. Just leave like maybe his shoulder and part of his body, so it's not just a head lol. Anyways, I really like how you did this one ;D
Dude, stop murdering your renders by drowning them in effects! D: Seriously, the point of having a render is so it can be seen xD; Make the render more defined, by blending it in a little bit, making it look natural. Sharpen them up, blurr parts of the background. Take a look at some of my sigs, Darky's sigs, and Eclipse's. Should show you a few things about blending. The effects are great for a novice, but try and read some tutorials, so you can progress through the stages of graphics-dom.... o_O Anyways, good job on them.
Wikipedia sucks Encyclopedia Dramatica ftw
Bumped for sexiness.
o-m-g necro bump'd.
Well thank you for your comments ;D I appreciate it.
Yeah, it's simple, yet the effects are hard to achieve. Version 2