Xaldin (>_<) i hated him sooo much!! he killed me like 14 times and i used king mickey everytime..
what lvl are you gamefreak cause im lvl 74 and im really looking for some good stuff ( i only have a abby whip and full rune ) and i cant use my whip yet and i aint a member.. so can i have some stuff im im a few lvls higher than you?
im proud to present you a nintendo wifi tournament to the forum. this is open to everyone within the foum and must have a nintnedo ds/ds lite to join in. every month i will ask some people to choose a game through PM and the game with the most votes will be the next nintendo wifi tournament game. Rules: 1. NO GLITCHING. 2. If you are using ACTION REPLAY ( Ds / Ds lite ) you will be eliminated from the match. 3. Snaking is not against the rules 4. everyone must have fun. 5. if you break the rules twice you will not be aloud to compete in the other tournaments. Qualifacations : 1. must have a DS / DS Lite 2. must have atleast one nintendo wifi game. 3. must be fun to play with 4. to have fun with other people 5. not to quit in the game. How to play : there are only aloud to be 16 people per tournament ( sorry people ) and also you must also know how to play the game for the tournament. The Matches : this is how its going to be set up.... Loser Vs Winner Winner Vs Loser then the winner of the round one and round two go against each other to compete in the next round.. Judges : we will need people to watch the mach so we can find out who won and who lost. I cant judge yet cause my internet is broke and im at the library. i will have 5 judges ( so if one is offline the other can take his/her place ) - Roxas101 - - - - People who want to join : - splitoverload - demonslayer_kyle - Eastercat - Roxas101 - - - - - - - - - - - - GOOD luck and the prize is a suprise ( you will love it when you get it )
so your trying to say sephiroth will slash kiari with his sword ?
are you lot sure this isnt from ONM ( My favourite mag ) cause there are the same pictures from there...
cant you do this in spam section please cause this is sooo pointless...
1) i have the right (m) code 2) i havent converted anything.. 3) i typed it corectly.. 4) my other kh codes work perfectly..
i need the code to play as mickey mouse in PAL but i just cant find it anywhere cause when i find one it says it is for wrong game :(
HEY! i typed them into my action replay and it says it is for the WRONG GAME!
thank you my friend :) and are you sure they work in hollow bastion?
thank you mate :)
does anyone have a action replay code that lets you play as king mickey in hollow bastion please?
do you need another judge for this game or are ok?
what are you lot trying to do? *thinks* OHHHH..... your trying to get 1,000,000 pages :D good job keep it up :)
i wounder what they will think of next :o
no offence though but i do know what to do if i need help >_>
hello kh-vids.net my name is .: ryan :. i have been here since the start of the forum but i havent really been interested to join..i like all of your art work, videos and creative work and im finaly glad to join the site :)