OMFG CAKE!! *eats* OMFG CAKE!! *eats*
I thought it was really good....
I dun like Xaldin.... he scares me....
Wat Is A Duckroll????
I dun like Kairi. She gets on my nerves...
Yup... or around that time... but close enough....
Same, same.... I dun like to sleep in basements,cuz the ghosties are out to gets mee... but thats where my room is ((coincidence? I tthink NOT~))
MORNING!! *eats cake*
Im only 14 as well, but my dad dont care, so wat the hell? As long as it tastes alright... ((hence Pucker))
O.o, well i woke up one morning and there was a big wolf spider on me pillow.... Ive never screamed that loud in my LIFE.
Youre drunk too? *falls down seven flights of stairs*
Yeah, i can point out a couple wrong things there... ((Hence hunk of hunk and impossible to resist)) This first part sounds more of an Axel fanclubXDD..
O.o, I would be too.... I deathly afraid of spiders....
Yeah, horray.... I had the urge to celebrate it.... Im going to a rodeo, and then going shopping with my daddy, and then we ordering DOMINOS! *is already dead, but dies again for the hellofit* YAY, CONFETTINESS!!!
TWAS MY BIRTHDAY AN HOUR AGO!!!! *is dead* ---sorry, i jus felt like celebrating....
IT was... interesting.... ONLY BECAUSE WERE EASILY AMUSED!!!!
21060!!! wat@@@\\\\ N@w???? My numbers even!!!!!
GOODNIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!! *feels special*
there was a second sentence??? *slumps to ground* Yeah, im a complete airhead....