heh... *twitch* 1,000 bucks eh... *twitch* oh well... :) thanks everyone!
Yayness! *gets bill* *shock'd*
*holds up Ginger Ale in a champagne glass* Cheers! Thank you everyone!
Okay It's okay! you made it for the party! lol
okay, first of all... no booze due to the age of most of our members. yeah, i know. it sucks... (I don't mind, i dislike booze.) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
*revives* well anyways... TO THE BANQUET HALL! na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Banquet hall!
*Kisses CtR*
*puts ring on CtR's finger*
I do. (post too short my @$$)
I promise, as your forum husband, to do my best to make you happy. I will always be there when you need someone, and i will never stop loving you. and it's fine if you're late Kairi... at least you made it!^^
I was, she's divorced. now, let's move on
thanks, Roxma...
*Adjusts tie* stupid... damn... ties... RAWR! TIES SUCK! heh... sorry...
yep! *dances* *stops* heh... *sweatdrop*
no otherwise it'd be in my sig.
COOKIE DOUGH?! WHERE?! *runs around, looking for cookie dough*
*takes a couple cookies* *munch* mmmm
rawr... i live! (thanks) 202632
I was bored out of my skull...