kurt zisa wasn't so much hard but just really annoying.
Hyde...yes I have his name.
Konnichiwa burnitup.
I like the art style.
Hello, anyone here?
Eh.....-.- *walks away slowly*
I'm sorry it was a joke. Yeah, there is no way in hell I look that good....I mean you should know.
I know but I thought the truth should be know....he is acutally.... my real father.
I tricked Kikame into thinking I'm that guy in my sig.
No cause my best friend make me watch stuff like "How it is made" boring...I already know how most of that crap is made.
Which to me is pretty much anything else on that show....well execpt for Most Haunted.
I only watch Mythbusters and Man vs. Wild.
Those are life lessons for the kids.
:cryinganime: I'm weird. Wait I already knew that.
Well I'm weird now.
I'm not weird. Yeah it is kinda funny and true.
My sig kicks ***.
Talk laterz.
Well there people in this world that bad.
Name noted.