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  1. Redsonic
    I killed him first try, he's easy....if you want hard, play The makes Halo seem
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Redsonic
    That's not an oxymoron, that's fact. A Better response would be

    Fashionable Terra
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Redsonic
    Kingdom Hearts....Wait what?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Redsonic
    I'm going to post the next chapter...maybe...but the fact noone's commenting on the story is kinda...wack...
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Redsonic
    Attention Mods: This topic was moved to the creativity corner before, when it doesn't belong there. (Otherwise Kingdom Hearts MUGEN Would be there too). Nowhere in the Corner's rules does it state fangames belong there. I'll move this here for now. Also, this game is pretty much a retelling of Kingdom Hearts II, with a side-story going on. If you want more info on that, read the fanfic that's based off of this and you'll get a basic idea.

    What is Kingdom Hearts II : D?

    Kh2d is a fangame project that I decided to undertake. It's a sidescrolling action rpg platformer, it also contains some platforming elements the real kh2 lacked.
    Who's making it?

    Just me., Redsonic. It's come a long way, the screenshots speak for themselves.
    What's the story?

    I'm not giving specifics, but I will give you a cliffhanger. It IS Kh2, but not exactly. Let's just say, it's a story being told to someone.
    Interesting..........The gameplay is repetitive, right?

    Quite the Contrary. There are many ways to go about completing this game.
    Brute Strength is just one of the options.
    Fair enough, explain character customization.

    Ah. Here, we're taking character customization beyond imagining. As you level up, depending on the level, you can either Upgrade a stat, or learn an ability.
    Hm...give me an example

    Level 1= Increase Strength, Hp, Movement Speed, or Jump Height
    Level 2= Increase Ground Combo, Increase Aerial Combo, or Increase Magic
    Level 3= Learn Sonic Blade, or Learn Ice, or learn Wisdom Form Attack
    Level 4= Increase Strength, Hp, Movement Speed, or Jump Height

    And that's just a first breath of the game! =). Using this customization tree, you can become a powerful knight, a skillful magic user, and tons of other possible combinations. By the time you reach the max level, everyone's Sora should be really, really diverse from eachother. Which customization is the best? Hmm...
    While we're on the topic. How does attacking work?

    You attack by pushing the SPACE Button while standing still. However, by learning Ground Skills, there are some complex manuevers you can pull.
    Like what?

    For instance, to use Sonic Blade, you just run and slash on the ground. Activated similarly, if you're in the air, you can use Strike Raid if you learned it.
    What of Magic?

    Magics are used by the CTRL Button. For instance, standing still and activating a spell will cast Blizzard.
    But what about...Drives?

    All Drives are activated standing still on the ground. ZXCVBNM are used to activate these drives. Meaning seven basic drives.
    Difficulty Modes?

    There is normal mode, proud mode, and critical mode. Be warned, none of my beta testers have yet to beat some enemies on Critical Mode...and remember, you have been warned. However, certain events will only happen in Critical Mode, but the choice is yours.
    Basic Drives?

    Yes. You may get what I mean as the game comes sooner to release.
    Can I Play it?

    There was a Public Beta a couple of months ago. Though it shut down after a couple of days. It featured a battle against Xemnas. Certain abilities were locked out of it. You could wait until the next beta, or possibly a demo.
    When is the Release?

    I was hoping the summer, but it may have to be delayed a bit.
    Hmm....Anything else you want to add?

    Just some screenshots....
    Screenshots? Let's see.

    [​IMG] - Testing Final Form on Xemnas

    [​IMG] - Testing Valor Form on Demyx

    Is that...Axel?

    New Abilities for Limit Form? Wow, That's Cool!

    What's this? A shot of a cutscene? Shweeet.

    Limit Form's Strike Raid Versus Glaive Throw....Strike Raid Wins.

    Chill out, Axel! This could be you in a private beta!

    I'm exploding in rage!

    Eat that, Xemnas!

    Oh No, I'm Trapped!

    Dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge DODGE!

    Kingdom Hearts...With a Wiimote? Can it be done?

    Oooo...shiny new Difficulty Level. This mode is VERY, VERY Hard. (Trust me)
    Wait...41? There's 41 screens?

    You can check the others if you want. The ones below 20 are from early, EARLY stages of the game. You can check and see how far this game has come. *looks at screen #1* yeah....
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Redsonic

    Preview of the Article:

    "MOSCOW (Reuters) - Britain has declared diplomatic war on Russia by expelling four envoys from London and failing to respect Moscow's constitutional ban on extradition, Russian newspapers said on Tuesday.

    Commentators accused Britain of double standards for punishing Russia over its refusal to hand over the chief suspect in the murder of former agent Alexander Litvinenko in London while ignoring numerous Russian extradition requests.

    "Britain and Russia have plunged into a diplomatic war of unprecedented scale," said the business daily Kommersant, one of the more independent voices in Moscow.

    British Foreign Secretary David Miliband announced the expulsions on Monday, saying Russia had failed to cooperate with London's investigation into the murder of Litvinenko, who died after drinking tea spiked with radioactive polonium-210.

    "Over the past six years, Moscow has sent Britain 21 extradition requests, but not a single suspect has been extradited," said the government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta."

    Read the entire article for a full view on this matter
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Redsonic
    Actually, upon reading the rules and such for the Creativity Corner, I have discovered this doesn't belong in this category. There is no mentioning of fangames, so I am moving this back to Kingdom Hearts II Board.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Redsonic
    Seeing as people seem to have stopped posting in this thread, means that nobody cares about this game anymore.

    Therefore, I may just stop posting updates on this site, if that is the case, but don't think the game is dead, because it isn't.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Redsonic
    Oh No, I'm Trapped!

    Dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge DODGE!

    Tonight's Update is NOT A Screenshot. However, it is some info

    ==Critical Mode: Is it Difficult?==
    -Consider This: None of my beta testers have been able to beat Axel on Critical Mode, and we have the advantage of having every magic/skill/drive and some bonus health. Is it that hard? With the kingdom key? Yeah. It is. If you ever try this mode, please be wise and use keyblades.
    ==Proud Mode: is it Difficult?==
    -Consider This: Most of the enemies have about 1 more bar of health than on Normal Mode, and deal some more damage. AI Isn't effected much except for some enemies. Similar to how Proud Mode was easy in Kh2, except this time it's a bit harder
    ==Normal Mode: Is it Difficult?==
    -Consider This: There is No beginner's mode, so Normal Mode will have to make up for that. Normal Mode is the ''beginner's mode'' you could say.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Redsonic
    If you use a Wiimote with your Computer, I need some help figuring the controls for it out, for Kh2d, a fangame. If you're willing to help, post in this topic, and i'll PM you. All you need to do is test some things for me with the wiimote, easy right? =D

    Your help won't go unrewarded.
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 8, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Redsonic ya

    Edit: Oh snap I messed it up
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Redsonic
    Right now i'm putting up a fanfic for this game in a seperate thread, which has a Alternate Reality Game...Where the fanfic has a secret ''code'' used to access a brand new Beta.

    Download for the New Beta: a slight error in the program with the previous version that was here. If you downloaded that, please update.)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Redsonic
    Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ (Read the fanfic for clues! Not all of them are in the first chapter!)
    Download: (Found a slight error in the program with the previous version that was here. If you downloaded that, please update.)

    Call this Viral Marketing or whatever you will, but if you want a good idea of Kh2d's story, and don't want to wait till release day, this should contain the basics of what you will be seeing.

    But, if you're looking afford to the game, you can get a second peek...However, there is a code, hidden in this fanfic (Not all in the first chapter, so keep reading =D). This fanfic will unlock the secret ''Beta'', provided in the download link above.

    Kingdom Hearts II : D (The Fanfic)
    --------------Chapter One------------

    Only one hour had passed since the organization's defeat, and things finally began to settle.

    Sora sat on the beach, has been a long time since he has been on the Destiny Islands. Even Riku seems stunned, like this is a far-off dream, or a scattered memory. Riku looks at his blindfold in his hands, and squeezed it.

    ''Why would I ever hide my eyes from this light. I had missed it...'', he spoke softly.

    Sora looked at Riku, and smiled, ''Hey, don't worry about it, okay?''

    ''Yeah...'', he seemed a bit dazed.

    Perhaps it was the fact that the Organization was done for, and there was no adventure to be had...but, Riku just seemed like he was missing something. Some part of him, perhaps. Sora noticed this, but didn't mention it.

    ''Guys!'', Kairi's voice yelled over to Sora and Riku.

    ''Beat you there first!'' Sora shouted out to Riku as they darted to Kairi.

    However...Riku was still faster than him, same old Riku. Riku looked over at Sora, not a smile on his face, but a frown. Sora ignored it.

    ''I want to ask you guys something. Or, rather, I want to know everything I had missed! Oh, it must be such a marvelous story, the worlds you have visited...I want to know everything!''

    Riku looked at Sora, and blinked.

    ''It's a long story, and that's a fact. But, I do want to know where Riku has been...and why he was spying on me in those mountains.'' Sora replied, smiling.

    ''You knew it was me, then...' Riku spoke.

    ''Hey! Don't leave me hanging here, when can we start?'', Kairi porturned.

    Sora looked at the sun, then at Kairi ''Heh...I got a story tonight...Hey, where's the King?''

    Sora and Riku looked around, he was nowhere to be found. All that remained of his departure was a letter. Kairi picked it up and ripped it open. The other two snooped over Kairi's shoulder, looking at the envelope's contents.

    Kairi quickly skimmed through it, ''Uh huh..''. She hid the envelope from the eyes of Sora and Riku and read through it quickly...then put it in her pocket.

    ''Hey!'' Sora shouted.

    ''You can read it...AFTER the Story..'' Kairi laughed.

    Sora laughed and walked to see Wakka, Selphie, and Tidus. Riku just sat back down, looking at the sun, as Kairi walked back into the town.

    Riku sighed, "Something's missing...I feel it. It's like there's five pieces of my heart, and part of it is gone.''

    He looked at the five white and puffy clouds circling the islands, then drifted to sleep under the sun....
    ------Kingdom Hearts II : D-
    ---------Chapter Two------------

    Two hours passed.

    Kairi, not too sure of her direction, walked into the schoolyard, occasionally looking behind her.

    "That's odd..." She yawned, sitting on a bench.

    "What is it?" Selphie seemed to pop out of nowwhere!

    "It just feels like...nevermind it's probably nothing." Kairi looked at the sky. Selphie sat down besides Kairi, looking at her, curious, then gave up.

    "Oh alright" Selphie looked at the school, then asked, "Are you sure everything is alright?"

    "Yeah." Kairi responded, though, not too confidently.

    "Well..." Selphie didn't finish the sentence as Kairi quickly got up from the bench, and looked towards the beach.

    "Something wrong?"

    "It feels as's calling me..." Kairi began walking to the beach


    "...I have to go." Kairi yelled as she began dashing towards the beach.

    "Okay! See you tommorow!" Selphie watched as Kairi dashed away, still sitting on the bench. Then...she looked at the ground...then at the clouds circling them.
    "Yeah...tommorow..." she muttered.
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 7, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Redsonic

    Kingdom Hearts...With a Wiimote? Can it be done?

    Oooo...shiny new Difficulty Level. This mode is VERY, VERY Hard. (Trust me)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Redsonic
    Limit Form's Strike Raid Versus Glaive Throw....Strike Raid Wins.

    Chill out, Axel! This could be you in a private beta!

    I'm exploding in rage!

    Eat that, Xemnas!
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Redsonic
    Banned for banning me for banning you for knowing that you created it.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Redsonic
    Banned for knowing that I created it
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Redsonic
    Banned because you played Kh2d
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Redsonic
    New Screenshots:

    Is that...Axel?

    New Abilities for Limit Form? Wow, That's Cool!

    What's this? A shot of a cutscene? Shweeet.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Redsonic
    Maybe Mickey being in KH2FM+'s secret movie was more of a hint then we thought

    What if you play as MICKEY in Kh3? That would certainly be interesting...
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 3, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX