YAY! and i'm #7!
O_O *is eating one* *drops pickle*
*munches* well, bye family!
seriously, it does. I eat it for a snack sometimes... not very healthy eh?
*bakes cookies* aww... they're not as good... I have CtR's recipie but...
lol mixed with eww
Yay! Dual Weilder will be back! why did i just notice this?
Bad news guys... Dual-Weilder has been banned... seriously... no lie... check... :cryinganime:
iAgree ... ... ... iPod someone had to say iT
What the iHell? iThink you people need to... aww... hell iThink this rules. iHeart fox emoticons
he's way better than noodle... these are entertaining!
so what? big blow, there's a gum called big blo-*laughs*
My cat would stare you down... then shoop da whoop at you the eat you...
mine^^ I added the whole family so...
just for the toons? j/k
I know! but it sucks so much it literally is lol full
it was okay... but... what the F**k is the ripping friends... my brother had it on and i was getting a kick out of how bad it was
...how ridiculously bad our cartoons are... they really suck but they suck so much it's funny.
overdone... Girlfriend in your... NO! sorry
Macarana In your pants... cool!