bye... :(
aqua walked over to haku. "isnt there a way to heal with the keyblade?"
thats the best story i've ever heard... TELL ME ANOTHER ONE!!!!!
"maybe we should get out of this area. they're just going to keep coming!"
aqua followed him into the group of heartless. she swung her keyblades at them, but more were coming.
"ill fight too." aqua summoned oathkeeper and oblivion and got ready to fight the oncoming shadows.
"we should go through the town and see if anyone knows anything."
when will the next chapter be posted? -waits impatiently-
this website is selling a bag of crap! some people get carrots or blinged cabbage...xD I WANT A BAG OF CRAP!!!!
xD i'll edit my post
its a nice idea, but no one would buy it. even if they did make it it would probably only be released in japan.
ahhhhh now im scared of the sun
why am i dead?
kh 1 was better kh2 was
does it mean something will be decided on july 21, 2010 and someone will do something to people he doesnt like? im probably way off.
"its ok." aqua smiled at haku. "theres probably more of them. we should move on."
lol great, that was my favorite stereo!
omg there building walls? its the end of the world!! run!! run away!!!
19267 darn pop up box, it said my message was too short!
welcome to kh vids! remember the rules, post alot and have fun!