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  1. TAFKAA8
    The game is admitably pwnful in many aspects.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. TAFKAA8
    Some one said at one point that the gummi ship flies in an "ocean" between the worlds. This is the ocean spanning all worlds that I was talking about. The dark realm is just another beach not parallel to the destiny islands but more like a mirror version. See?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. TAFKAA8
    Crap, I didn't see that coming. Nice chapter. As always. I'm really getting lost here though. Oh well. I'll get it all to make sense.
    Misxion: The Hell you will.
    Meat: Shush. Go back I'll write I swear.
    Misxion: Fine, it's my part next, remember that.
    Meat: Fine.
    My shoulder characters have been acting up. They appear on my shoulder and tell me to write. I gotta go now.

    PS Zexion still alive eh? Do I detect a slight bit of fangirling? Hm? HM?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. TAFKAA8
    Too true. That's what the bag is for. My dad calls it that when you have a reserve of different kinds of techniques. The greater your tech. list is the better. That's why I learn both fakes counters offensive and defensive blocking and other stuff. It's all really interesting to me.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. TAFKAA8
    I seriously expected this to fall by the wayside like some of my other posts. Thanks for the input. So far I'm not sure what yet but I'll see. I kinda like Evolution myself but I'll go with whatever gets the most voes.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. TAFKAA8
    I need to decide what to write next. I need time to think so even though it may not begin in the near future it will be set into motion soon.

    Option#1 Kingdom Hearts The Dark Realm: His Story

    Prequel to my first fanfic KHTDR: My Story. It follows the story of how Allen joins the Unknown Organization and eventually becomes a Nobody. It will give some background into everything and explain some loose ends from Reminiscence. Basic story has yet to be thought of more than casually so I've got nothing.

    Option #2 Dance Dance

    A comedy following a tournament of DDR. It is basically an Orgy13 parody and a general joke. I'll be putting in a lot of nerd culture references though. so some may not get it as much.

    Option #3 Evolution

    A loosely KH based fic. It'll be about someone whose name isn't chosen yet. It's a standard adventure story. It'll have a lot of different factors effecting further development. One thing is certain, it'll be full of action sequences and cliffhangers. I think I'll place it in the ancient past some time.

    Option #4 Farsight Saga

    An unfinished project from years ago. I have the first part ready but I'll have to edit it and extend it a little. Basically it's a sci-fi fantasy about a dude with special powers. It's fairly generic, with the odd original thing thrown in to keep you awake.
    Thread by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. TAFKAA8
    Contemplate life then try to go back to sleep.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TAFKAA8
    I never thought of that. It could be it. Or it could be anything really.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. TAFKAA8
    You're so right. My dad told me to but I didn't listen.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. TAFKAA8
    Sora. He totally admitted he was a ****ed up flipper baby. Oh wait, a reject. MC Chris called him a ****ed up flipper baby.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TAFKAA8
    He was in chinese opera after all. That's how he learned everything.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TAFKAA8
    Why'd they have one of that? Moreover how is this related. You saying there are really two bottles or something like that? Even so it'd have no impact since Sora's leg of the KH journey seems to be over.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. TAFKAA8
    Alternate how? I don't get what your asking.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. TAFKAA8
    I mean by killing blows full force with total intent to murder your opponent. What are these made of? I still stand by the statement that a masamune is made for show. How experienced are you and how experienced is your sister?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. TAFKAA8
    Interesting. I'm not one to criticize style too often, having none of my own. Though I like the way this is written and the wording in particular, I can't really give an educated or worthwhile review. I can say I liked it and that it flowed well and that the emotional content was included well. But, it means nothing really. No offense, right?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. TAFKAA8
    The ocean spans all worlds is this context. Also, it takes along time for a bottle to float without propulsion anywhere so it just took it a long time to get to them.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. TAFKAA8
    I thought you said it was a masamune. You know five-seven foot long sword. That's what I take issue with. Also, I doubt those blows were delivered to kill. BTW What would you use then?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. TAFKAA8
    Real weapons only please. I mean I explained it all on the first page and in the poll.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. TAFKAA8
    Looking back now I kinda have comprehension issues. It's actually necessary to read the first part for it to make sense. I'm a failure.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. TAFKAA8
    Your ideas are okay. I'd like an update but Final Mix is the Final Remix that they'd make. So that'd never happen.

    Gummi battles aren't my thing anyways.

    I think it'd kinda ruin the effect if you could play as others besides Sora.

    I like the new gameplay options KH was decent but it coulda been harder.

    The battle options would make it too much like Dynasty Warriors though. I like the random and the scripted pick up system better.

    Free play would be cool but this is an RPG.

    The multi platforming idea is too unrealistic. They'd have to cut on quality if they did that 'cause they wouldn't have the time and manpower to pull it off.

    There's also sales. They'd suck. No one'd actually buy it.

    I like your ideas in general though.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone