No, dats my job SvA! Now put you're hands in the air and put you're head on the ground. Now give give me the cookies....and some skittles.
Put you're hands in the air and say hey!
My friend saxoR_vs_aroS is making one. EDIT: made a little change to the abilities section and Diving Halo magic spell.
I'll start you off with a KH character. Name: Orion Khoma (koh-muh) -called Khoma in the story- Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hair that just touches his ears and drops a bit below his eyebrows, with an intense midnight gaze. Short compared to most people, but agile. He normally wears a full-face white mask, to hide his emotions. His clothes are a black long-sleeved shirt with a hood that's mostly putt down, that covers a white undershirt that's visible just below the hoodie. He wears khaki pant's and tough shoes that have been on his feet longer than his masks. His clothes are ripped and patched in some places, and all worn-looking. He's left handed, but uses his right hand to write. Personality: Silent, shy, mysterious. He's had a horrible past, and won't care to expand on it when people ask. He's an excellent fighter, but often get's forgotten in conversations amongst other people. Keyblade: Fallen Sky; The handle is carved of ivory in the shapes of waves, and the blade itself is in the shape of a black wing with white red-tipped feathers. Other abilities: Very athletic, extremely fast. Un-magic abilities: Light Blend: Exchanges light for darkness; it saps energy, strength, and speed from an opponent and induces it into Khoma. This can only be used when in a dying state. Form: Screaming Form: Boosts: Adds speed and accuracy to his attacks, and runs swifter. Makes his abilities stronger than they were before, and Light Blend can be used in the heat of battle. Appearance: All clothes are fixed and white with black markings across them except for his mask, which stays the same. Used: this can only be used after using Light Blend more than twice in a single battle. Additional abilities(all additional abilities get stronger a tiny bit the more often he uses the form): Deathwail: Screams erupt from his mask, defeaning, blinding, and stunning enemies within a radius for a while. Usable only when in a near-dying state. Song of Sorrow: A gentle tune fills the heads of all those around him in a certain area, weakening foes by a slightly large margin and strengthening allies a small fraction. Magic: Shooting Star: send a powerful blast from his hand stunning the enemy for a short while, giving great opportunities for Khoma. Diving Halo: Rises high in the air and comes crashing down on his opponent with magical force. Cannot be dodged due to extreme fastness. Power-Charge: Rushes towards an enemy/ies with amazing speed and attacks with great magical strength. Spinning Cloud: Spins with grace while attacking enemies with great accuracy. Other: Theme song: Forget My Name - Simple Plan Battle theme song: Move - Thousand Foot Krutch Biography: Orion Khoma mysteriously appeared one day wearing his full-face mask asking to join the Keybearer army. They doubted him at first, because when he appeared he seemed to be wearing the tattered remains of an Organization cloack. But with a Keyblade, they could not doubt he was one of them. They tested him first, still doubtful of this young, mysterious person. He quickly took out some of the best the army had to offer. When accepted, because of his mask, they didn't see any emotion. And not a word came from his mouth until seven days later. Currently the youngest member in the Keyblade Army. (and would like to stay that way if nobody minds.)
Wee new siggy and avvy!
19460 Ohay. I'll hoh holkin hoo hyhel. Hop! I'll ee ack ina uh-ul oh ih-is. *spits out tapes* Freedom! I'll be back in like 2 minutes
S.E. Asia....and I'm from there too!
19457 Hey CtR. :sideways: You gotta stop doing that? Stop what? Talking to yourself.
O_o indeed (lol, indeed). Just wait till he brings out a keyblade and bashes everything into pieces looking for an eagle named Riku.
19455 Yay for the magic-ee-ness-ness-ness..... :sideways: What are you doing x3r†y? Talking to myself....
I don't have a scanner, so that's what I'm doing. I was thinking of getting all sides of my character, but then I'm restricted to like 1 good drawing a day (as in, one 'moment' and day) and I can't wait that long.
19450 O_o <- ecaf a s'it.
Glad to hear it. I fell like a new sig (which I gotta stop feeling). Got any cool pics lately? Also I finished my Roxas-looking dude, I'll send it over to CS sometime (after I take a picture, scan it, upload it somewhere, then send a PM to him complete with the other stuff). I'm breathing again....whew. Safe.
19447 What is it?
I'm fine, you? I just downloaded like a million clips, and hopefully that will give me more options on what to do on my latest AMV that is gonna take me forever to complete. It's the lack of effects that you can do during a clip that really PO's me with WMM. But I wanna keep my WMM clean, so if that 0.21351247% chance I get #1 some Sunday into the future, I can say: 'This was made with WMM, and no added effects. Song Forsaken by Skillet.' Then I'll dance and start a new project. I'm running out of air. EB: Yup, I mean pm. I can't believe I forgot that...
Good morning CtR! Even though it's 5:38 where I am right now!
19426 Ouch. That hurt. And now a white mark on my head. I think so. Skip all cinematics and run past all mobs.
Yeah, that's my quesiton! Zexion13, what kind are they?
19423 I'm fine, you fine, cause I'm okay. Today's great, sun's out for me, what about you? I'm not taking any breaths here
Where? I want cookies!