ok guys the pack is here.included the characters that are gonna be on there.but ill post them here too.those are the characters in there.added 3 more vexen,luxord,and roxas.for those that dont want to download the whole thing which just takes a few mins >> you may ask for independent characters through PM.i dont want spamming.also THESE ARE ALL THE KH CHARACTERS I OWN.until i get more.well have fun with them.take not that luxord is real cheap.youll find out soon.characters on my topic. Pack will now include the following: Axel~ Black Robed Riku~ CloudKH1~ Heartless Riku~ CloudKH2~ RikuKH2~ SoraKH2~ SoraKH1~ Larxene~ Luxord~ Black Robed Micky~ Riku~ Sephiroth~ Vexen~ Wisdom Sora~
lol i remember this.lots of kids in my school have this as their ringtone so teachers cant hear it.thanks for this now i can save it to my comp.
oh lol ok thanks jube
whats with all the threads with the exclamation mark about?what happened?whats going on with da freak?and that other guy?
yea ita alright but a bit dark in some spots like you mentioned. there really isnt any cnc i can give ya DM.this one turned out good imo.
^ agreed with caps this time WOW...
Signature of the Week #16 Colorful / s.u.b.m.i.s.s.i.o.n t.h.r.e.a.d | Ends 7/18/07 | Discussion belongs in the Discussion topic \ This weeks SOTW is colorful.your tag must be contain lots of colors.not just one. Good luck to all!
hmm...that broly is good but not insane.i say super ken since he can kill you with one hadouken.oh the kraken is prob a good and hard boss too.
you guys are just choosing pirates because POTC.thats the only reason pirates are back into a trend.if it wasnt for the first movie you guys wouldnt be talking about pirates.
im an old member and hasnt gotten prem yet.i was back on the old forum.me and darky joined about the same time.
lol superken just has to use one hadouken and your finished.thats how cheap superken is.
you better get them done tonight lol jk bro.btw thirteen,i think its impossible to do a tag thats the same as another.
lol agreed with DM.topic should be locked btw my teacher always called them elmos lol just for fun.
posting link up now.sorry i was busy with other stuff.
well heres a video of mine that i did a couple months back. Tales of the Abyss Liger Queen Battle if ya want to added up there than its ok.
sounds interesting even though KH pretty much left me.
but isnt technicaly games licensed as well?btw why TOTA?i love that game lol
lol ok.4 views lol...well ya think i should give chance till tomorrow?
have fun DA.have a good and safe trip.make sure to tell me everyone once ya get back ok.well you dont have to but ya know.
im being serious.no joke people.