-Shoe Buddy- Thanks @.@ -Ichigo- Oiiii~! How are ya?
-Shoe Buddy- What am I, chopped liver? >.< -khchick- I just got here myself, actually. -Koneko- T^T Awez, bye byez! Miss you lots!!
>.> Way to ruin a good wedding, Shoe Buddy xDD
*swings in on rope* Teh Macie ish here, no need to worry any longer!!
They're my nephews, and the oldest is 7 years younger than I am >.< But they're cool, I guess. Pretty all right, thanks.
*headdesks* I get to babysit today, yay~ [/sarcasm] So, what's up?
Nya~, I'd best be heading off of here. See you guys tomorrow!! Ja~ *waves and ninja poofs*
Awez, bye byez, khchick!! Sleep well, ne? *wavewave* O.O;; Gomen...
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
-Siren-chan- Awe~!! Kawaii!! *tickles Zemyx* *fatherly mode* Don't touch him! Be careful!! Don't tickle him too hard!! Nyah, I'm his Aunt. I'm already an aunt, go be with Zexy..
-Siren-chan- lol How would you like that, Demy? Eh.. It's up to Zexy... -Soxas- Yuppp.
Dance Floor Anthem - Good Charlotte
-Siren-chan- Ya!! lol, Awe, Zemyx sounds adorable!! xDDD I hate you, Macie... I know, dearie ^^ -Soxas- 'Cause he's pretty xD *remembers Zexion singing 'I Feel Pretty'*
Both of you >.< And a marriage counselor while you're at it. But you now get to smack him without fear of him hitting back >D xDD Siren-chan~, are you gonna say something, girlie? You've been down there for a while! *pokes*
lol I know XDD I WOULDN'T HAVE SLAPPED YOU IF YOU DIDN"T WANT TO KILL THE CHILD!!! *tries to get from restraint* Well SOMEONE needs to go see our friends in the white jackets...
So?! It's still our child either way!! *slaps Zexy* *o* WIFEY ABUSE~!!! *tackles Demyx*
HE WANTS TO KILL OUR CHILD?! D< O.O xDDD I'm starting to really love my life...
But I don't wanna~!!! Ohh... I told them they were sending the wrong guy!! >< This makes my day better ^^ -Siren-chan- I'm so excited!! >DDD
-Zexion- *pats* You'd be a good dad too, don't worry... -Siren-chan- xDD I know, such a shame, isn't it? *falls out of chair at pictures*
xD *falls out of chair* I don't whether to be upset or ecstatic. This makes me happy if it makes you feel any better, Demyx. Yes, much. [/sarcasm] Am I only one who notices 14 guests/muskrats?? O.O;