Good things: Anniexo_Lexa: A great girl and friend who I love to talk to! :) Gharanth: An awsome friend who writes great fanfictions! :) 2Foxxie4U: A big friend who always makes me laugh, and a great writer too!:) rikus#1fangirl: A really good friend who I love to talk to and who gives me the cutest emoticons x3 Catch The Rain: A really really great girl who always makes me feel happy! Bad things: The only bad things I have to say, and I'm being honnest is: I don't know them personally! :(
Pretty in punk - Fall out boys
Tearing up my heart - N'Sync Wheeee...xD
OMG!!!! xDDDD I can't stop laughing!! I fell from my chair from laughing so hard, believ me!! My mom is already asking if I'm crazy! MAn!! this is sooooooooooooooooooooo Funny!! I really mean it! You crack me up with your stories girl! xDDDD Just the tought of Xigbar and Luxord drunks...xDDD This is great keep it up! I'm looking forward for your next story!! :)
Banned for banning for having a bunny in my sig T_T xDDD
Banned for having a avatar who makes me drool xDDD
Banned for nothing xDDDD
Banned for banning a person who's right xDDD
Banned for having a cute Xiggy on your Avatar xDD OMG!! Are you Portuguese too? :)
Banned for being the official final boss of this site heheh xD
Banned for saying equation xDDD
Banned for saying Banned and Banning and Banner and...whatever too many times LMAO xD
Banned for posting with your lettres green ok...xD LOOOOOL XD
Banned for...confusing me... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Banned for having "BOOM!!!!!" in your title xD
Banned for saying Allisonlove banned me xDDDD
Banned for having a cute animated avatar ok...mine is animated too...xD
banned for posting earlier than me xD
Awwww...the L word! :) Thank you for liking it CtR!! I always loved Marluxia x Larxene...I think they look..kinda cute together? xD
Thank you for liking it! :D