zigoroth:"stop look axel i have to say somthingphsoxas needs to talk to aia" zozo:"now we got to go find her"
u guys should sign the pasition so we can get it in america
zozo:"ahh im blind i cant see ahh" zigoroth open ur eyes" zozo:"oh yay"
zozo:"fine ill do it spirit trap.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my body" zigoroth:"i dont know what ur talking about"
zozo:"holy cow the chain is almost gone put it to gether" zigoroth:"i forgot how"
whats the differenc with kh2 and kh2fm
i want put her in my party
zozo:"nuthura u got to get with aia to stay alive" zigoroth:"he right"
so thats how he looks like
zozo:"lets find nuthura we got to tell her" zigoroth:"um her spirit is at twilight town
playing as mickey would be freaky
oh so thats wahtit does
why is it only soied in japan
mabey its great as a lion
so what its pretty wow
zigoroth:"nonono umm Aia um u beter find nuthura or u will dis apera because the chain broke now its going to eat it self an if it fully does that both of u will die zozo:"wow
just press the left button and you'll find a different menu bar with summon
use lighting and blizzard
zigoroth:"yep" zozo:"umm"
zigoroth:"wher going to go to th world of spirits" zozo:"nooooooooo way thats a bad idea