Boredom- chronic illness contracted on the forums since many of the funny members left or just stopped showing up as much
I'm kinda tired and I have like an hour before I have to do anything. My sister won't lend me her camera and I haven't seen any interesting threads for like two minutes.
HA! Xaldin! You're gonna die! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I love this, this is like Christmas and birthdays and getting out of prison all at once.
No one's said this but. The reason for it is because value is relative. Gold has no actual value. Monetary value is kinda abstract. We like gold 'cause we're like magpies it's shiny. We like money because it is a promise that we can get something in exchange for a rectangle of cotton and cellulose. The thing that makes something valued is whether it is wanted or not. If more people want money more is made and since the promise is only ever worth as much as the government can back it in goods and or services the value goes down as it is stretched further. That is how we still have money in situations were the country is failing economically it just won't be worth as much. Inflation is bad because if you have money from before and the amount goes up you are effectively losing money because the value that the government puts on it is less than when you first got it. This is kinda how it goes.
Really, I musta put on the wrong settings for content.
I knew it. Fomenter.
These are some bad questions. I'd never play this. I'd rather risk bodily harm. I can almost run five steps on a wall so I'm cool with stunts.
You are all crazy Opinion I think ghettoxemnas is high strung and a bit full of himself, Zott he know how to mess with people and he actually does it. I think they should be separated. Opinion
Don't blame yourself it makes you sound like an emo. Heh, my sister hits me when I say emo.
Maybe ghettoxemnas they made a thread get closed. He. I was there but it wasn't my fault.
How old are you, ten? Now it's all about jackass imitations.
Oh, me gets it now. Comrade Zott.
You're missing the point.
Who is making the Hulk angry? Sure, just ignore my question. I was serious when I asked it.
If not me, then who?
You talking to me?
Elaborate I don't know what you're saying. Be more specific.
Read This is for made up words only. I think you should know that 'cause baka is a real word somewhere.
I voted for the rap Looks like don't do it wins for now. But, This'll go on 'till my sister loans me her video camera the song is pretty much written. I just need to know what you guys'd like the most.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it's just you and fictional people that have this odd fixation with those that demean and abuse you.