Well, they could've been hidden to someone who don't notice these things... but anyways, I don't think there are any hidden mickey mouses...
If you're askin' if there are any three circles in the game that form Mickey's head, then there is an obvious one... Goofy's shield. Another I just remebered is the Kingdom Keychain. Not sure if there are any others.
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Get hit by a car. You can probably live after it.
Cool stuff. The keyblades are interesting...
Heh, you sound just like my friend when he says that. But he says that he'll take your soul.... My friend stapled himself. I ripped them out, heh heh, pretty funny.
Then I would laugh. Ha ha.
Ha ha... that's not something I would laugh at. Unless it was my friend's boyfriend, whom I don't give a damn about.
You talkin' bout me with that last part??? Sorry, I kinda laugh at some kind of people's pain. Don't take it into offense.
Close your windows! Close the curtains! Lock the doors!!! Hide under the cover!!! Why would someone ring your doorbell at this time of night?
Man, I don't wanna be mean about the last sentence. But, something similar has happened to me, and I'm sorry, but I have gotta laugh at that. I laugh at myself when I get hurt. Please don't hurt me! But, but, but, I did not laugh at that, I had one SMALLLLLLL chuckle.... I thought putting pressure on it makes it bleed more. That's what it does to me when I apply pressure to it... I just don't keep it covered...
Welcome to Kh-Vids. Read the rules, spam only in the spam zones. Might be pointless to say if you ain't gonna post...:sideways:
That's me.
Ohh. Heh heh, I knew that.... Anyways.... thanks everyone for sayin' Happy Birthday.
Hah....well.....You mean you've never seen me around on the forum? Hah, it's my second one actually.
Welcome to KH-Vids. Read the rules, post lots, stay active, and spam only in the spam zone.
My birthday My birthday is today. I'm 14. I got a new iPod Nano, the 4GB.
I heard about this Saturday, the day I went to Hershey Park. I never go on rollercoasters... Poor girl.
I don't take any offense to that. The grunge brush was turned into what the background looks like.