he/she downloaded it.its pretty obvious.people that have no exp with it isnt gonna pay 70$ for the program.
bit too bright for my liking.but good anyways.
i seen this tut everywhere,and ya better be the maker.ripping isnt tolerated her.
this better be your tut.if it isnt than take it down or the mods will.you can post stuff that isnt yours.
he dont come to the fourms anymore.and yes he found the jumping glitch on KH1.
i already told ya what i thought about on on msn.good job
purchase another joystick.simple as that.
sony vegas,adobe premiere pro.i use SV because i think its simpler a bit.
zsoraz?just wondering,he was a cool guy but had a bit of anger management issues.
poor girl.im sure he didnt mean tah.
******ED!once again
I love drakengard,i got it the first day it was released with some other games.imo drakengard is better than part 2.caim is such a better character to play and the story is very emotional.especially when angelus dies.and its much harder than part 2.
happy bday bro.hope ya have a good time.you must be 15 now so 15 *punches 15x and one for good luck.
lol parents,gotta love them
yea,it can.theres a way to play that game without having to downgrade iirc.
Large Breasted lol,anyways its good.i like the little brushes you added to it if ya did add them anyways.the color is good since it matches,but i would suggest blending your render a bit.good job though.your best one yet.
all you do is once your done with the tag.you make a new layer>apply image than you use the blur tool and just blur the parts ya want.not that hard lol.
just download them bro lol.but make sure you got a 2 gig stick that helps.
i loved to play this game when i was a lad.best game on the snes out there.This is me playing it on an emulator.recorded with camtasia studio.for those that have the emulator check it out.its a really badass game. Character ill be using is:Cormando SunsetRiders
that riku roxas whatever has all the names did that.he said he was gonna leave yet he still posting here.