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  1. Gritz
    I'm not blaming America or Mr. Thompson for any of this. However, I do blame Disney. There have been plenty of games like KH with cussing and mature themes, but do you realize that Disney is widely recognized as for children. Do you recognize the outcry parents would have if Sora cussed in a (Yes, I said it)Kid's game. But that is no excuse for how Sora and kairi's character were handled. Star Wars was PG, and Princess Leia was a no nonsense badass. She did kill Jabba after all. Noruma was very shallow in Designing the main characters for KH. Thinking that a Overly Optimistic and Overly Sensitive character would be more than enough. But what about Goku? He's really optimistic. Why is he different from Sora?
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Gritz
    When I first heard of KH2, I was promised a more mature Sora.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Gritz
    She's one of the reasons Sora keeps fighting. That's why she is not very liked. All she pretty much is is Sora's motivation. She has no personality in the fact that she is just bland. She's boring. She has nothing about her that gets you into her. Sure, fans say she showed depth when she cried at the end of KH1, but it's not enough depth to care about her as she is in KH1 and 2. Alot of characters in KH have a crapload more depth than she does. She was only really needed to progress the story. She was a big plot device. That was her entire role.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Gritz
    Maybe so, but it couldn't hurt the game at all to give her some personality or flaws. She's a square character, there is no reason she should be like this. As for her "keyblade", It was pure laziness that she GOT a keyblade on Noruma and Square's part. And If she was to get a keyblade, then why couldn't it look like this.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Gritz
    Well, at least it's some type of real anger. English Sora sounds fake when he's trying to be angry.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Gritz
    Thanks. But Naruto's personality is more real than Sora's, plus, he's actually funny as hell(The scene where he met Ero Sennin was hilarious in the manga).

    But, Is Japanese Sora any different? Or is he the same?
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Gritz
    I will always love DBZ. Old classic
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Gritz


    Hey, check this guy out. His music is pretty hot. IMO. Check out the song, "Love Me 4 Me
    Thread by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  9. Gritz
    I believe that it is relative. It the parent is a criminal or abusive, then yes, he and/or she is a bad role model. But if not, then no. I believe that parenting should be in two modes. Nurturing and Disipline. I believe that it is the mother's general job to nuture and the father's general job to disipline. Either side by itself is not good. They have to be balanced. A mother has to say "Ok, I nurture and care for and help him, but I need to know when to say that enough is enough and that I'm not helping you this time." And a father needs to know when to say "Ok, I have to disipline and teach my kid right from wrong, but when is the time when I stop being the drill seargent for a while and start being helpful." I believe that my parents are good role models.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. Gritz
    I hope his father is there.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Gritz
    No, I will spare you. LOL

    I would have liked it if she acted like Nami from One Piece. Hmm...A munny loving, manipulative, and smart princess. Not a total *****, but still. That would be a Kairi I would like.

    But, NOOOO...Disney had to put the Damsal in Distress curse on her.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Gritz
    Ok, If this is taking up space and is spam, I apologize in advance and the Mods can remove it.

    I liked KH1 and 2 very much and enjoy them. But I have some gripes about the personalities of two of the main characters

    Sora: I like the guy, but he acts like he's 4 too much. And not in a funny way. In a irritating and annoying way. He doesn't act like a fifteen year old. He acts too optimistic. Now, I'm not saying that Optimism is bad for a character. I love Optimism. But in his character, it just seems like he ain't real, which he ain't, in a literal sense. But, his character doesn't seem real. He seems too optimistic all the time and kinda dumb. I mean, he makes Naruto look like Shikamaru(Not knocking Uzumaki-san, I love him). Maybe, it was Haley's voice that ruined him for me. I have never heard Japanese Sora, nor do I know what he says in his version of the game. Is Jap Sora's personality different from English Sora? I've always wanted Sora to act like Yusuke from YYH and Ichigo from Bleach. They weren't complete emos, but they felt real and human. And they were FAR from goody two shoes. Especially Yusuke.

    Kairi: Now, I like Kai as well. She's hot! But, I think that's pretty much all Square and Disney made her. Sure, she's a princess of heart, but DAMN. As a Square character, I'm sure she should have had some depth. But, no. She's a Canon Sue. She is always sweet, polite, wholesome, and positive. Nothing seems to break her. Nothing makes her wanna react in a human emotion. Like I said, she's a disney princess, so She was doomed to be a damsal in distress. And, no, That keyblade moment was not enough. Her keyblade looks stupid. Its all girly and crap. I hate it.

    Sorry if this bores you. Tell me your thoughts on it.
    Thread by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007, 168 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Gritz

    I think the computer scene was ridiculous. But I think they have tech on the Islands. But hey, thats the price you pay for having Disney in a game like this. And, I have a question for you, do you hate Japanese Sora or English Sora. Because, Jap Sora is cool with me. English Sora makes me wanna slap him for being an idiot and a goody goody.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Gritz
    AkuseruVIII, other than my complaints about the game, I loved it. Though the nobodies could have been more harder. KH2 rocked. Just that Sora is portrayed as a sissy *****.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Gritz
    Most disliked things in KHII.

    Kairi: She could have been something. Its not her fault she's just useless luggage that can never do wrong and is always perfect. It's Tetsuya's and Disney's fault. She's a princess of Heart and all the other princesses were disney princesses. She was doomed to a life as a DID. I truly pity her fate.

    Atlantica: I HATED THAT WORLD!!! Why!!

    Sora's attitude: He's a pussy. He acts like he doesn't like to fight and he sounds like his balls haven't grown. He has no manly male aggresion that drives men to fights for no reason other than to prove themselves and competitions. He's fifteen for God's sake, he should be brimming with testoterone. Though a Disney game could never get away with Sora acting like Yusuke Uremeshi from Yu Yu Hakusho(I love that anime). No matter how raw that would be.

    Donald and Goofy: Handy in a fight, but otherwise, they suck.

    Hayner, Pence, and Olette: And the award for biggest waste of space in a video game goes to...

    Difficulty Level: Not hard enough!

    Other than that, Great. Hi, I'm Gritz. I'm new here.
    Post by: Gritz, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX