"Interesting..." Zexion said. He was wondering what to do next. "Are we allowed to eat the candy inside this room?"
Zexion overheard what Luxord said. "How can you hate chocolate?"
Suicide, or some time of disease where your head explodes. :)
OOC: bye! I'm going after this post too. BIC: Lync smiled, glad he could help, "Thanks, I'm glad I met you too, or I would probably still be wondering around in that forest." He laughed.
"Um..okay, but shouldn't we go someplace that is not crowded with people? Maybe in an alleyway, beside the shops? I think we would have less of a chance of getting caught." Lync said, aware of people around him.
Zexion went inside the lab. Closet? Where would there be a clos- there! Zexion went over to the closet and opened it up. He peered inside.
"I am not too sure on how to hack in this place yet," Lync said, then frowned, "Wow, do I feel useless. I can design and build high tech weapons for the government, and yet I can't even hack in here." He sighed. This day just keeps getting better and better.
"Where should we look first?" Zexion asked as he walked to the door of the lab.
This place is so...different, and yet, exactly like the real world. "Where do we start?"
OOC: I'm not sure where Vexen is, oh well BIC: Zexion scowled as he picked himself off the floor. He spotted Roxas and Xigbar, "Careful not to slip on the steps...."
"His lab is just one more floor lower. I don't know why we just didn't porta-" Zexion slipped down the flight of stairs. He had forgotten that they had turned to ice. He landed at the bottom with a thump. Why me?
"We should hack, since I don't have any virtual money with me," Lync smiled. "Also, I think we should look for more people to help us. Logic says that we can't take on the MCP by ourselves, though, we can try."
Zexion sniveled and surveyed the library. There was just to many books here. This could take forever, even though Zexion read almost every book, he can't remember what exact information came from which book. Suddenly he had an idea. A sneaky smile formed on his lips. "Searching this place will take too long and I'm sick of being sick. Why don't we sneak into Vexen's lab and search there? Considering, I can't find Vexen to search in there himself," Zexion announced.
Lync pressed a button and the sword shrank back into the cylinder. He held out his hand for Vahn to shake it. To show a partnership. "Um..Where do we go first?" Lync asked. Then he blushed, "I'm lost." Some hero I turned out to be, getting lost right away.
"Hey, STOP! I'm going to kil-" Zexion sneezed and a copy of Marluxia appeared. "Now look what you've done!" The Marluxia copy took out his Sythe and slashed at Roxas. I'm never going to find a cure in here....
OOC: lol, Zexion's covered in pepper... BIC: "WHAT WAS THAT FOR, ROX-" Zexion sneezed and the copy disappeared. "Oh.."
Lync brightened up. "What an odd coincidence. I received an SOS from this place about a month ago and I am here to fight the MCP, too. Mind if I join you?" Lync felt happier in this place. Away from work, away from dad, and away from the real world. He frowned. He could still feel the danger and dispair in this place. I have to stay on task.
OOC: Okay, but they don't stay long anyways. Zexion sneezes a lot. :) BIC: The copy of Axel summoned his weapons and started to slash at Xigbar, while Zexion was trying relly hard to sneeze. "Sorry, Xibgar, its this cold. Whenever I sneeze a copy of someone appears in a flash of light, and the copy appears mad and wants to attack. Don't know why. I can't control the copies or get rid of them using my powers. Also, if I sneeze again, the copy disappears." I can't make myself sneeze, Zexion thought. The copy charged at Xigbar.
zexion smiled at Xigbar, "Ya, that would be great. The sooner we find a cure the sooner we can-" Zexion sneezed. There was a flash of light and a copy of Axel appeared in front of Xigbar. The Axel copy smiled at Xigbar and attacked him. "Oops," Zexion said. "This stupid cold!"
"Do I look like I am?" Lync shrugged. "No, but if you are one of them, then I may have to kill you. If you are not, then I am curious to what you would be doing here, Mr. Clark." Lync looked him right in the eyes.