Yup...I'm watching the 3 hour marathon now. First McMahon, now Chris eh? He was pretty high on my 'awesome wrestlers list'. R.I.P Chris.
Yup, I'm leaving KHV. For good, probably not. I'll probably post once in a while, but don't expect much. I've just lost the urge to post here, and people just seem more...heartless? That's probably just me, but... Talk to y'all later...I guess.
Holy shizzle. Did anyone else watch WWE on Monday? Heh, Mr. McMahon's limo 'sploded. O.O I knew people hated the guy, but I didn't know they hated him THAT much... He's deeaaaad. It sounded like nobody really gave a flying crap at the ECW yesterday either.
Oei! Where's Rock Lee on this poll! T_T He has fans too...
For years, people have been debating over the Loch Ness monster, which is rumored to live in one of Scotland's old lakes. Some people have been starting to believe it, after a few video records, and a couple of pictures that apparently show the monster's head out of the water, a few ripples here and there, whatever. What do you think about the Loch Ness? I personally think it's pretty fake.
Hopefully this crap won't spread around too quick..
I third it! You'd think people nowadays with super technology and all this other BS would have the brains to know when you have a super bad disease (no matter what the heck it is) to stay home, away from others...just to make sure you don't start another smallpox epidemic. But this proves how careless we can be anymore!
Some people need to be SMART, and actually LISTEN to their doctors. They're THERE for a reason!
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18940766/site/newsweek/?GT1=9951 Well, this is wonderful. Now we have a drug resistant TB to worry about...with a 67% death rate. The doctors told this idiot who had the disease not to travel, but he had to anyway.
"Axel likes me in more ways than one?...That's kinda creepy..." Roxas inched away from Axel slowly. "Oh well." He pulled out his black Nintendo DS, and inserted Pokemon Pearl into the slotty-thingy.
Roxas peered at Axel. "You're gay? Gak. Sora, zip up Riku's shirt."
XIIIBladez: Marley, NOOOOOO! Awwwww......
Aww, I totally would have bought it. Dex's Lab was my favorite show..
XIIIBladez: Xemnas is on? Crap, did he figure out I'm the one who stuffed 5 rolls of toilet paper in his toilet yet?
(I"m back, what did I miss?)
I would say Twilight Town, since I love sunsets? ...
I have a little sister, and I just gave her hell because she almost deleated my KH game... >o
If I don't see this soon, the world won't be the only thing that's ending...
Dont use Anti-Form when you're fighting Xigbar! AVOIIIID!
It took me at least five....for both. I know, I suck. T_T