OOC: Sorry, Comp was actin up. Riku, your in. Kiba was sound aslpee, the teacher punched the back of his head as Kiba winced. Everyone did that. " Today class, we will learn the Clone Jutsu, an advanced version. Adn sicne Kiba was asleep, he can do it for us. " Teh Teacher said as Kiba sighed, he made a seal, and smoke was around him, a dead, deformed puppet was on the ground, Kiba sat down, some other people laughed at him.
OOC: Yes, you can have the Rokubi. Your In. We start now... The Academy bell rang as Kiba slowly walked from the History class, he was half asleep, in a few hours, he wouldn't be in school, he'd be a Ninja. He saw other students, the gave him cold stares, he sighed as he walekd to his next class, same as everyone, Jutsu Learning.
OOC: Yes, you can have the Shichibi. Now, We can start, I'll post first unless Death wants to...?
OOC: In Mike. ^^ Brings Good Old Memories back Huh? * Sniffs *
Prologue Children always wanted to be something sucsessful, some even wanted to become the Head Ninja. They went to an Island, where they Attended Ninjutsu Academy! The greatest Ninja Academy there was in history, hundreds of children went there. Their dreams to become the best of the best. So, can you overcome all of the odds, the Akatsuki, the Shadows, and NeoThunder? Go on, give it a try. Rules 1. Listen to the TMs, and Me and DeathSight4444 2. Only some of the people accepted may hold a Bijuu or be of a clan. 3. No GodMod 4. No Powerplay 5. EVERYONE STARTS OUT AS THE AGE OF 12 OR 13 6. Don't Flame! 7. You won't know any jutsu excpet for the Academy ones you learn, so develope some on your own! 8. This is based off Naruto, I am Allowing ONE Uchiha besides someone else that will come into the RP later. 9. You MUST prove yourself in order to get a Bijuu. People With POWER! Listen to these people! THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! 1. DeathSight44 A.K.A. Mike AND Yagaskardig A. K. A Zack=Supers43( Both of use made it ) 2. Recount A.K.A. Zach= 0bby Po0nz Bio Format Name: Age: (12 or 13) Gender: Kekkei Genkai: Clan: Village: Appearance: Personality: History: Other: AKATSUKI BIO Name: Age:(17 and up) Gender: Village: How you became a Missing-Nin?: Siginature Moves: Who would you want your partner to be?: History: What Jinchuuriki are you after?: Personality: Appearance: Who asked you to Join Akatsuki(Look at the member List): MY BIO Name: Kibsura Yokoshama Age: 13 Gender: Male Kekkei Genkai: Cut eyes, these are are native to the Yokoshama Clan, they can see into ones Soul and produce few Genjutsu, The Cut eyes have 5 different forms. Kiba has yet to unlock his Cut Eyes. Clan: Yokoshama Village: Hidden in the Glacier Appearance: Kiba ahs short black hair, dark, deep green eyes and tanned skin, he mainly works out via training, so he has muscule to his body, but he's 13. Personality: Kiba is calm and quiet, he is the one who will not brag and defeat you fast in battle. He can be quiet affecionate to people. But mainly he doesn't talk, he had made friends with the last known person in the Tokana clan. History: Yet to Be Revealed Other: He holds the Kyuubi but has no access to it. Hidden Villages The Village Hidden in the Clouds - This village has alot of smart and strong Ninja in it. Alot of these ninja are best in teh rainy weather with Lightning, if your of this Village, you know alot of Rai Techniques. The Raikage or Leader of this village knows the Raikiri and Chidori and has MANY powerful forms of the two. The Village Hidden in the Mist - These Ninja are either becoming Hunter-Nin or Assassins. They are very deadly with blades and all. Their water Techniques can destroy an oppenont fast and can deal deadly combos. The Mizukage or leader is said to be one of the Seven Swordsmen. This also holds the Taro clan. The Village Hidden in the Leaf - This village is home to the Infamous Uchiha Clan. And the Hyuuga clan. This village is mostly of Fire Ninja or Wind Ninja. The Hokage is said to have trained the Three Legendary Sannin. The Village Hidden in the Hurricane - This village is full of Wind Ninja, they can fly and mastered the Wind. They are deadly, mastering deadly Techniques. The kage of this village has an unknown name before 'Kage'. Not much is known except he has made the deadly Fuuton:RasenShuriken. The Village Hidden in the Sand - This is Sand Nin. Also, Puppet and clay users are said to be here. They can kill an oppenant in Two moves if they wanted to, they are VERY powerful. The Kazekage here is said to be the father of the Ichibi holder. The Village Hidden in the Glacier - This is the oldest village there is. It holds not only the Famous Tokana Clan, but the Yokoshama clan as well, only one person is currently alive in each clan. The Hyorokage is said to be the master of Rasengan. Mission! D-Ranked Missions! - Protect the Martial Art Master! (Every must do this) C-Ranked Missions! - None B-Ranked Missions! - None A-Ranked Missions! - None S-Ranked Missions! - None Character Stats Kibasura Yokoshama-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-7 E-0 Acid Taro-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-7 E-0 Hiro Uchiha-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-7 E-0 Chodeh-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-7 E-0 Natalie-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-0 E-0 Haru Hyuuga-Rank D S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-7 E-0 Cloud Yokoshama-Rank S-Deadly Missing-Nin S-15 A-25 B-48 C-125 D-200 E-321 Sirius Uzuka - Rank D - Beginner S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-0 E-0 Kori Tokana - Rank D- Beginner S-0 A-0 B-0 C-0 D-0 E-0 Aviable Missions! E- Protect the Martial Artist! Go off to a land with everyone else and help protect him! Everyone is need! This will give you 15 D rank points! SO INCLUDE YOURSELF! D-None C-None B-None A-None S-None Character List! Last Name, First Name-Rank-Age-User-Village Yokoshama, Kibasura-D-13-Yagaskardig-Glacier Taro, Acid-D-13-DeathSight444-Mist Hiro-D-13-Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX -Leaves Chodeh-D-13-Siver_Bullet-Hurricane Natalie-D-12-Rikus#1fangirl-Glacier Hyuuga, Haru-D-13-Byran-Leaves Kataki-D-12-naminesgirl-Leaves Sam-D-12-swordser2-Sand Sirius Uzuka-D-13-Recount-Water Kori Tokana-D-13-Stazaa-Glacier Squads Squad 1 -Sensei - Shade -Team Leader-Chodeh -Haru -Low Squad Two -Sensei-Rouge -Team Leader-Kataki -Hiro -Sam Squad 3 -Sensei-Likosa -Team Leader-Kori -Acid -Kiba Squad Four(Special OPs. Old Timers only!) Sensei- Likosa Team Leader - -Acid -Kiba -Sirius -Low Bijuu ICHIBI (One-Tailed Racoon Dog) POWERS: Affinity to Wind; Automatic Sand Shield; Control Over Sand OWNER: Sirius AURA COLOR: White -------------------- NIBI (Two-Tailed Cat) (RESEVERED) POWERS: Affinity to Darkness and Fire; Increased Speed, Lightning-fast Reflexes OWNER: AURA COLOR: Orange -------------------- SAN(c)BI (Three-Tailed Giant Tortoise-Kappa) POWERS: Affinity to Water; Extreme Defensive Abilities; Ability to Breathe Underwater OWNER: AURA COLOR: Dark-Blue -------------------- YONBI (Four-Tailed Cockatrice) POWERS: Affinity to Poison; Ability to Induce Harmful Nightmares; Flight; Ability to utilize many Elemental Fusions OWNER: None AURA COLOR: Purple -------------------- GOBI (Five-Tailed Wolf) (RESERVED) POWERS: Affinity to Illousions; Extreme Sense of Smell; Canine Instincts OWNER: Kori Tokana AURA COLOR: Sky-Blue -------------------- ROKUBI (Six-Tailed Lightning Beast) POWERS: Affinity to Lightning; Ability to Control Storms; Ability to Transform Limbs into Lightning OWNER: Chodeh AURA COLOR: Yellow -------------------- SHICHIBI (Seven-Tailed Dragon) POWERS: Less Chakra, but More Strength, Vitality, and Stamina; Dragon's Elemental Breath OWNER: Hiro AURA COLOR: Black -------------------- HACHIBI (Eight-Tailed/ Eight-Headed Giant Snake) POWERS: Affinity to Earth; Ability to Control Plants and the Ground; Mind Control OWNER: None AURA COLOR: Green -------------------- KYUUBI (Nine-Tailed Kitsune Demon) POWERS: Nearly Infinite Chakra; Ability to Heal Wounds Extremely Fast; Ability to Change into Different Tailed-Demon Forms OWNER: Kibasura Yokoshama AURA COLOR: Red Organizaitons NeoThunder - Nothing Is Known of this Organization yet. The Shadow Clan - Two members watched The Akatsuki members and fought Likosa. The male fought Likosa as he sliced the man into two with his Siginature Move. The Female member was completely killed by Kiba via 1000 explosion. A Thrid member gave Acid a Seal, reasons why are currently Unknown. Akatsuki - Two members came to the Academy shortly after kids passing the First Course. Both disappeared fast, they seemed to be after Hiro. Story Arcs 1.~Academy opens Arc~ Chodeh took teh final Exam test, he passed and became a Genin, now no more school until he is a Chuunin, Kiba failed. After Squad recruiting began, Acid and Kiba fought. The Kyuubi took over kiba, and he almopst defeated Acid in two hits. A jonin named Likosa stopped Kiba, he turned out to be the Squad Leader and Their Sensei while Kataki and Haru wanted to know about their Sensei's. 2.~Akatsuki's and Shadow's Movements Arc!~ Two Akatsuki members approahed Acid and Hiro, they soon disappeared as two Shadow Clan members showed up. A female Ninja fought Kiba, Acid, Kataki, Hiro. While the Male Ninja fought one on one with Likosa. Both ended up dying and Likosa revealed his Sharingan! Could he be an Uchiha? Meanwhile, a Thrid member appeared near Chodeh and gave Acid...the..immement..Death Seal. What could this mean!? 3.~Protect the Martial Artist! Kimioshi!~ Some students traveled with Shade Sensei and learned many new things, and became bodyguards and had to defeat idiots to protect him. Sirius, a D ranked kid, was accepted into a Special OPS with Kiba and Acid. Their Sensei, Likosa, kept it serect. Also, Likosa brought Kiba to the other Island where everyone esle is, to get the mission done. Kiba had grown and contorled the Kyuubi more, so Acid challeneged him, Kiba defeated him with his eyes closed! But more importantly...it seems, the black Kunia that was thrown into him...gave him a dark power... Current Arc and Current History Current Arc ~ The Genin Tournament and the CHuunin Exams! Arc ~ Bingo Book No one has been entered yet. Tournaments! Genin Advancement Tournament G.A.T. ~ Winner! Unknown Kiba vs Sirius Kori vs Chodeh Hiro vs Acid Kataki vs Ranking System E= Academy Student D= Genin C= Chuunin B= Special Jonin A= Jonin S= Sannin K= Kage MN=Missing-Nin* To go from Academy Student to Genin: Must pass first Test, EX Cloning, Transforming. Genin to Chuunin: Must have 7 D Ranked Missions completed and must take Chuunin Selection Exam. Chuunin To Special Jonin: Must have 15 D Ranked Missions Done, 7 C Ranked Missions Completed, Taking Intermediate Classes and Passed, Beaten 3 Other Chuunin's or 1 High then a Chuunin Special Jonin to Jonin: Must have 20 D Rnaked Missions Completed. 10 C Ranked Missions Completed, 2 A Rank Missions Complted, Must Enter and Pass the Jonin Selection Exams, must Defeat 2 Sepcial Jonin's or higher. Jonin to Sannin: Must completed 30 D, and C ranked Missions, Completed all Advanced Classes, Master Either Chidori or Rasengan and MAKE your own type, Complete 20 B ranked Missions and 10 A ranked Missions, must do something almost impossible. Sannin To Kage: Must Completed Every course and Exams of classes, must have 50 D and C ranked missions completed, 30 B Ranked missions completed, and 20 A ranked missions completed, and 2 S ranked missions, must be the BEST of your element, AND Fight and defeat EVERY NINJA of the Element. Must Master Both Rasengan and Chidori with own Orginal Move! Any Rank to Missing-Nin: Must complete an act of Treason and leave village. Must be recruited by any of the Orginazations. Then Entered in the Bingo Book. Organizations! NeoThunder 1. Leader(Unknown) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Akatsuki 1. Leader(Unknown) 2. Cloud 3. Raxon 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Shadow Clan Unknown OOC: YOU MAY NOW POST!
WOAH!>.< That was awesome! I can't even Lip Sync!
Kiba listened in silently he muttered as his eyes closed, his Keyblade had lightning on the tip. ~ Why me? ~ HE thought as he blasted the lightning at Matt. Flipping in the air.
Kiba ran up the side of the castle wall, launching high above Matt, he was watching him, while gliding. His own Keyblade appeared in his hand, he woundered why. He stared down at Matt.
OOC: No Fake Soras are alive.
OOC: Ooooooooooook
OOC: SOrry I wasn't on...I was dragged from home all day yesterday, it was fun. ^^
I really like his music, my parents made me listen to it and I liked it. As for him being a person. The Media shows you what THEY want you too see. You don't get all of the facts. He does have awesome music, he is justt a bit off of his Rocker. Yet my parents would still send me to him if they could...Dunno if I'd want that...*Cries*
OOC: K BBL, I'll be back at One PM Eastern.
OOC: xD! I have that same problem.
OOC: Thread? It's a Story I'm wrighting about G.A.
OOC: xD! here is the link! ALl I have up is the prologue. I'm currently working on Chapter 1. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=375454#post375454 Sora didn't want to answer, his Gummi Ship was changing colors and was gone from Sight...there was no way to track him now. A loud noise came from the castle. Kiba shot out of the door, seeing he was too late, he stood there.
Note: This is Loosely based of Naruto I. Prologue It was a calm, quiet, peaceful day in the house of Uzuka. People were busy working, teaching their young and other things. The sound of children laughing was in the air. A young man, roughly the age of 15, was standing, watching over all this. He watched one particular child come up to him. “Raxon-San! Can you come help me with my Shuriken Training, big brother? “The young child asked Raxon. Raxon black hair, it was kind of sticking up. He smiled. “Sure Sirius. “ Raxon said, he smiled at Sirius as he ruffled his hair. They slowly walked on the splinter filled wood floor. Sirius winced as one was stuck in his heel. Raxon said nothing. They continued walking on the wood floor until them came to the gate. Raxon turned around, the lush green bushes and trees were there looking as if they had just been disagreeing. Sirius was at a young age, his features included; semi-long, spiky, and purple-gray hair with a dark-gray headband on. He has tan and somewhat grayish skin and dark-blue eyes. He has a scar over his left eye, but he can still see through both eyes. He was Six years old. Raxon stopped near the center of the forest they had walked to. He smiled as he stopped, he looked at Sirius. “Ready, Sirius-Chan?” Raxon teased. Raxon drew Shuriken from his bag. He instantly appeared in the air, falling, he spun, throwing Shuriken, one, two, three, four, and five! Raxon had hit each post with ease. He landed, he smirked at Sirius. “I can do ten times better! “ Sirius said as he did the same thing, as he was coming down, he closed his eyes, tossing the Shuriken, he landed and looked. He had missed every single post. Sirius looked down, ashamed. Later on that night, Sirius woke up to find his entire home, in flames! He quickly ran out of his bed, and room. He ran outside, only to his family, stripped, and mangled, hanging in the flames. Tears ran down his cheeks as he ran outside. Raxon must have been in fire! What or who is stronger enough for that!? Sirius though in panic. He then blacked out. Eleven years had past since the destruction of Sirius’s family. He was in a boat, coming to an Island. The hazy weather didn’t make him think anything, he wanted revenge. Chapter One - When Paths Cross! Yet, once again, the familiar, dull, grey colored boat came. It had a young girl of the age of Seventeen on it. She had middle length brown hair. It came to the bottom of her shoulder blades. He skin was pale slightly. She had bright, beautiful eyes. Her clothing was made up of a dark red Shirt and blue pants. As she stepped off of the dock, she turned around, seeing nothing but mist, she kept walking. Meanwhile Sirius had watched her come off the boat; he walked up to her, thinking and smiling. She turned her attention to him and stared slightly. Sirius looked at her, Say something! Anything Moron! He thought to himself. “Hi, my name is Uzuka, Sirius!” Sirius said. He looked at her calmly now. Smooth man…Smooth. He thought as he smiled to himself. She giggled. “Hi Sirius-Kun, my name is Sakura. “ She said, not revealing her family name. He nodded. Sakura was about to speak once more but Sirius, who was acting oddly as usual, took off towards the piney bushes. Sakura sighed as he climbed a tree. She then closed her eyes, smiling brightly. This time, a beautiful colored boat came to the dock. A young girl came, she had high cheek bones. She had beautiful blue eyes. She had back length black hair, except it was in a ponytail. She was about Five feet, Seven Inches tall. She had fairly tan skin, teeth as white as the polar bears. She had a slim figure. She also wore a blue shirt and pants, a katana strapped to her side. She walked off of the dock as her boat pulled away, and another set in. A young man stepped off. He wore a dusty, black trench coat. His eyes moved to look at the new people. He was slightly muscular. He had a ring around his belly button, it had markings, and it seemed like a Seal. He wore sandals of the color of blue. His skin tanned a lot. His upper body was tall. His neck had a scar down it. He had high cheek bones. His mouth a wary line. He had deep, dark green eyes. He had short black hair that stopped at his eyebrows. His eyebrows were just right, not too thick or thin. His own Katana was in its bundle on his back. He had slightly visible Whiskers on his face. As soon as he saw the young girl, their eyes met, but quickly faded as Sirius landed in front of him. “Hey! Are you new here? I’m Sirius, what’s your name stranger? “He asked as the man closed his eyes. The girl came over to answer. “My name is Yokoshama, Kibasura. What is yours? “He said as he turned to the girl, she had a light that sparkled in her eyes for some reason. “My name is, Tokana, Kori. “She said as she bowed to them both, they did the same. Kori looked at them both, thinking as Sirius clasped Kiba on his shoulder. Kiba slowly turned his attention to Sirius, looking at him. “Let’s have a friendly spar, to see who is doing! “Sirius said as he ginned largely at Kiba who nodded. Kori rolled her eyes and sat in a tree, watching, wanting to see what they could do. Kiba slowly took off his trench coat. His green eyes slowly, hardened as he stared at Sirius, who, in turn nodded. Kiba drew his Katana and rushed at Sirius, the blade dragging in the ground, bring some of it up; he jumped, slashing downwards at Sirius. Chapter Two! Raging Fury! Oodama Unleashed! Kiba’s blade was flung at Sirius has he made handseals. “Suiton: Suijinheki No Jutsu! (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall Technique) “Sirius shouted as water erupted from his mouth, shielding him from the sword. He stared at Kiba, as Sirius started again to make handseals, Kiba did too. “Katon! Karyu Endan No Jutsu! (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet Technique) “Kiba shouted as Sirius opened his mouth. “Suiton: Suiryudan No Jutsu! ( Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique )“ Sirius shouted as a Water Dragon erupted from his mouth, going at Kiba, while his Fire Dragon, erupted from his mouth, canceling each attack out. Steam covered the area as Kiba stood there, mirroring what Sirius was doing. “Well, we should end this. “ Kiba replied as he made a handseal. “Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Technique) “He added as a clone appeared. The clone grabbed Kiba and threw him at Sirius, “Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!” Kiba shouted as Sirius was hit by Kiba. Four more clones kicked him into the air. He was above Sirius. A clone was with him as it rotated chakra into his palm, a large, blue, spinning ball was there, he thrusted it down at Sirius. “What!? “ Sirius shouted as he saw the ball coming he quickly started handseals as the ball hit him. “Oodama Rasengan! (Great Spiraling Sphere)" Kiba shouted as the ball hit Sirius’s head, he blew up into smoke and was in a tree, breathing fast. That was very close, if I didn’t use Kawarimi No Jutsu (Change of Body Technique), I would have been blow away by the Oodama Rasengan. Sirius thought as he stood up. “Hey Kiba-San, nice moves, you pass my little test!” Sirius smiled as Kiba said nothing, he continued to walk till he heard movement in a tree. “Hi there! What’s your name?” Sakura asked kindly, looking at Kiba. He stared back at here as Sirius was patting him on the shoulders. “Sakura-Chan! His name is Kiba something Yoko something…” Sirius muttered as he tried to remember. Sakura laughed. Kiba looked up, his eyes flashed from Green to white to green. “My name is Yokoshama, Kibasura. May I have yours now? “Kiba asked as he smiled up at her. He looked at her closely. “Sure Kiba-Kun. My name is Sakura, my last name is-“She stated before she was cut off by Sirius. “Man oh man! I am so tired! I’m off to bed.” He said as he was walking off. Kiba gave him a scared look then turned to Sakura, who sighed. “Uzuka, Sakura. “ Sakura replied as she turned her head back and forth. Kiba smiled, waving and walked off. He closed his eyes for a moment. Mist rolled into the area. Kiba opened his eyes as he saw the mist come in. He stopped; trees were all around him, except in front of him. It was clear ground, covered by mist. Kiba’s eyes darted around the area, looking for what it was. He drew a Kunia from his pouch and had it at the ready. “Who is there? “Kiba called into the mist as laughing started. Kiba looked around closely. The man stopped laughing and sighed. Kiba heard it, Shuriken from all around were coming at him. He quickly made seals. “Hyoro No Jutsu! (Ice Prison Technique)" He shouted as Ice made a wall around him, blocking most of the shuriken as one zoomed in and cut his shoulder. Kiba had blood oozing slightly on his left shoulder. He scowled and drew his sword. The mist started to clear. Someone was standing there. Kiba’s eyes seemed to strain to move, his pupils were shaking. The man standing there was over Six feet tall. His shoes showed his toes, which the nails had been panted purple. His skin was pale as the winter snow in a blizzard. He wore a cloak that was buttoned up; it was black with red clouds on it. His arms were holding Shuriken. His hair was spiky grey. He glared at Kiba. “My name is Uzuka, Raxon. Kiba-Kun, you are the holder the Kyuubi No Yoko, I am forced to harm you unconscious and bring you to the Akatsuki base. “Raxon stated coldly as he gave an evil smile. Kiba sighed. Trouble always comes to me does it now? Kiba thought as he put his hands together. He started to yell, a fire like aura of chakra surrounded him. His hands were dark red, his headband flew off and his trench coat flew off. He looked at Raxon. Kiba’s eyes were fox like, red. He bent down on all fours. His whiskers started to look feral. As he did this…something happened, his pupils shook with much fear as he turned around slowly. Chapter Three! Kyuubi No Yoko! Raxon versus Kiba! Hundreds of Raxons were around Kiba, all holding Senbon. Kiba’s eyes darted to see how many there were…two many too count. He started to growl. “I might have the Kyuubi No Yoko (Nine-Tailed Demon Fox), but…I will kill you if you try to take it!” Kiba said in rage as he jumped, punching one of the Raxons, he crumbled into chunks of Ice. They all smiled as they raised their arms. Sirius was racing off, Kori, Sakura, were you two? I need your help! Sirius thought as he jumped from tree to tree. He saw the two girls, sitting and talking. He landed in front of them, out of breath. Both girls looked at him. “Sirius-Kun, what’s wrong?” Kori asked as she kneeled down in front of him, she looked at his eyes. He was still catching his breath when he finally spat out. “Kiba…Kyuubi…Akatsuki…Raxon.” He said as he fell to the ground, unconscious. Kori looked at Sakura. Raxon…my brother is attacking Kiba? Kiba is in real danger! Sakura thought, concerned as she looked to Kori, who nodded as they both raced off. Jumping from tree to tree, crushing the beautiful green leaves. They came to the battle and jumped. They hit a wall and bounded back onto the earth. They stared at the fight. All of the Raxon clones threw Senbon at Kiba; they all hit him dead on. His pupils dilated and he roared, blasting the Senbon off, he launched himself at multiple Raxon clones, crushing them and attacking more. Blood oozed from his pores on his cheeks. “Give up! You’re denying the Inevitable!” Raxon shouted as hundreds of Senbon flew at Kiba. Kiba quickly made handseals. “Katon: Hosenka No Jutsu! (Fire Release: Mythical Phoenix Technique)” Kiba said as multiple fire balls zoomed out at the Senbon, burning them as Kiba sent his feet forward, kicking the real Raxon. All of the clones disappeared now. Raxon hit the ground, sliding into a tree trunk. He was laughing slightly as he stood up, blood on the side of his mouth. He smiled devilishly at Kiba, whose pupils shook. He charged at Raxon has his hands turned into small claws, he swiped at Raxon as a Senbon clashed with his claw. Both close to each other. Kiba disappeared from view now. He appeared below Raxon, his foot aiming upwards, kicking his Chin high up. Raxon was caught by surprise. He flew into the air as Kiba was behind him. He kicked Raxon in his back, flipping over him. Kiba slammed his fist into Raxon’s face. Raxon coughed up blood; it also came from his nose now. Kiba grunted as he flipped, bring his foot down. “Shishi Rendan! (Lion Combo) “Kiba shouted as his foot slammed into Raxon’s neck. He flew backwards and his claws dug into the ground. He stopped, on his back. He slowly got up, looking at Raxon. “Looks like Akatsuki aren’t as strong as I had heard.” Kiba said as he turned around, a Senbon caught him in the back. He fell to the ground, painfully. He looked backwards as the Raxon that had been pounded, slowly, crumbled into Ice. “Kiba…Kiba, to bad this is your end!” Raxon said as he came from above Kiba. He grinned as he stabbed his Senbon down. Kori and Sakura stared. The Senbon crushed the ground…nothing was there, Kiba had ran off. Kiba had lain down, bleeding as he turned normal. Kori appeared next to him. “Kiba…this is going to hurt.” Kori told him softly as she pulled the Senbon out of his back. He didn’t have the strength to move. He looked at her calmly as his eyes closed, to become unconscious. Kori looked at him, as Sakura arrived. “Kori-Chan, I can handle him, I’m a Medic-Nin after all.” Sakura said as Kori sighed, walking off, worrying about, and, more importantly, what Raxon was after. She continued to walk until she bumped into a boy. He fell down and looked up at her. She held out a hand, as he blushed. He took it. “Hi, my name is Nara, Ryuu.” Ryuu told her, looked at her, smiling as she smiled back. “I’m Tokana, Kori. “ She answered, smiling sweetly. She sat down and so did Ryuu, discussing things, and talking about each others certain abilities. Meanwhile, Sirius had woken up and raced to go save Kiba, sadly for Sirius, Kiba was already up and moving. He smiled at Sakura, helping her up. “Thanks, Sakura-Chan. “Kiba said, holding a hand to shake, instead he was punch with monstrous strength from Sakura, landing in a tree. He was dazed as she picked him up by his collar. “YOU MORON, RAXON COULD HAVE KILLED YOU! “ Sakura yelled, concerned as she threw Kiba to the ground. He had a bloody nose. He looked up at her, frightened. “Now being with Raxon wouldn’t be so bad…” Kiba muttered as Sakura looked at him. “WHAT WAS THAT KIBA!!!!!!!!!?” Sakura roared. I’m soooo scared of Sakura now…never again will I make her mad.Kiba and Sirius thought, as the both swore to themselves. They swallowed. Kiba was worried as so was Sirius. “Sakura…you’re very looking nice today…” Kiba stuttered as he was trying to calm her down. Sirius hoped this would work. “Awww, you’re so sweet! Thanks Kiba!” She smiled, her rage gone. Kiba and Sirius both sighed with relief. They looked at each other while Sakura was still taking in the complement. “Okay. Now…we both must flatter her to stop her destructive power. “They said as they both nodded smiling up at Sakura. She smiled back at them. They all sighed and fell backwards, except for Sakura. She looked at them carefully, her left eyebrow rising slowly as they both stared at her, swallowing deeply. Then it dawned on Kiba. “Sakura-Chan, can we go get some Ramen or something? I have a few questions.” Kiba said as Sakura looked at him, nodding, they walked away from Sirius. Kiba gave him a weary look. He stared at the sky as he and Sakura approached the dorms. Kiba held the door open for her as she walked inside. They both sat down as Kiba started to make sandwiches. He also froze some air, and then thawed it, giving it to her. “Sakura-Chan…do you know who Uzuka, Raxon is?” Kiba asked he suddenly turned serious. She stopped eating for a moment. She stared at the ground then at him. “Kiba…Raxon is the murderer of the entire Uzuka clan. Except Sirius and me, no others survived the attack. He then soon joined Akatsuki and started to hunt down the Jinchuuriki. So, seeing that you are a Jinchuuriki that holds the Kyuubi No Yoko, he is after you. “Sakura explained as she looked at him, he was staring at his shirt…sensing his seal. “Since the Kyuubi is the most powerful of all, it is targeted the most. Bu-“Sakura began as Kiba had cut her off. “But why are they after the Bijuu?”Kiba asked her, wondering. “No one really knows besides them. I heard that Raxon works with another man…by the name of Cloud.” Sakura said. She put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, Kiba-Kun, cheer up. You have people that will help protect you and fight with you.” Sakura said to him, smiling. Kiba looked back. “Sakura…Cloud…is my older brother.” Kiba told her as he stood up, he opened the door, and she walked out and turned to him. “Kiba…take it easy…your still injured.” Sakura told him, smiling slightly; she disappeared as he closed the door, lying on his bed.
OOC: KK^^, Brb, putting it in the right Forum. I'll give you the link.
OOC: Want me to post the first part of my FanFiction, which is a Story of G.A.