I read it, but I noted myself "No gum" Just to be sure i don't break anything once i get braces
ALICE.....WHERE THE HELL DO YOU FIND THESE!? That's funny though!
Do you like riddles?
ohhhh....man, no gum....oh well, if it'll keep my teeth straight
Try this world.altavista.com
*sobs* now, i really have no oreos, I ate too much
^ oh lol, okay, but gum isn't allowed huh?
Well yeah, that's for sure
Yay!!!!! *eats cookie* too creamy!! too sweet!!! I like it!! For some reason, that made me laugh
What can you eat with braces My parents are gonna make me have braces maybe, about next year or so
*cries in corner*
That is not relivant
Do you like brain teasing questions?
I'm not questioning you on where you get this from.
You'll never sleep in a bed again....or use a bathroom
You must resist!!!! That is "Rape Time"
It's a big deal and it hurts
Since you're here, I couldn't deny anymore......lol!