Aqua - Candyman (Lollipop) I only have one friend that I know in real life that knows this song... because all they listen to in this city is rap...! x_x
I don't know why, but whenever I hear the phrase "_____ is frowned upon," I fall over laughing. XDDDDD I'm just insane that way... Yay insanity! 8D
People make fun of my obsessions with: - JPop - KPop - CPop - Latin music - Dance music - Tokyo Mew Mew - Kingdom Hearts - Zelda - Final Fantasy - Mermaid Melody I have some odd obsessions. :3
That'd be awesome. x3 I wish I looked foreign, but sadly I ish just a widdle Dutch girl who just dresses and acts foreign... ^,,^
Hey, you're actually lucky! I can't stand living in Memphis! All people listen to here is rap, and they make fun of my hair and clothes and my taste in music and food and.... *rambles on more* Yeah, they're basically evil here. ^_~
You're welcome. xD Avril Lavigne - Too Much To Ask
For me, find a girl with short hair, pigtails with ribbons, usually wearing a skirt (oddly, I find them more comfortable than pants), who's sort of tall, light brown hair... I think that's enough to recognize me by. X3 EDIT: I hope that's not TMI. o.o;;;
Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home Song change. ;P Avril Lavigne - Things I'll Never Say Yeah, the songs on my computer are in order by artist, I'm not just listening to Avril Lavigne. :S
Tell me if you guys ever come to Memphis, TN. ^.^ You'll probably recognize me... seeing as I've shown my friends my TMM mangas and the say I look just like Ichigo... Yeah, not so hard to recognize. And I'm the only girl my age who doesn't dress like some... erm... *Can't think of the word for it* ....Street person...? xD
Avril Lavigne - Losing My Grip I'm in an Avril Lavigne mood. ^w~
Avril Lavigne - Anything But Ordinary I used to listen to this song all the time when I was younger, now I'm listening to it again. :3
ATC - My Heart Beats Like a Drum Whoops. Song change. Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend X3 My friend got this song stuck in my head....
I definetely beleive in true love. Of course, the whole thing about somebody "being in love" with someone and then loving someone else a while later is... complicated, but here's what I think of it: I think that there are people that you just think you love, then one day you find "the one". Cheesey, I know. :3
Sorry for disappearing, I went to eat dinner. ^^ I've been looking up music, and I think I found a good song to sing tomorrow; Tokyo Girl by Ace of Base. (:
Wolf: Oops, I meant that aren't in a foreign language. ^-^;; If they could be in a foreign language, it would be much easier. xD Since I already know "Ojos Asi", "Estoy Aqui", "My Sweet Heart", "Every Heart", "Waiting", "Amazing Kiss", and tons of songs in Spanish. X3
How'd you guys get those? They're cool! ^-^
Okay, got it now! ^-^ And I'm good! ^.^ (Sorry it took so long to reply, my internet messed up.)
O.o Who are those text colors? (I know, I haven't been on in a while, so I guess I forgot...) Oh, I'm in a singing contest. ^-^ I just have 2 problems: - I can't find many good songs to sing that aren't too sad, in a foreign language, and are "appropriate" for a place where there'll be kids as young as pre-school-ers. (I need to pick 3 songs to sing.) - There's this really petty girl who keeps making fun of my voice, hair, clothes, etc. who I can tell is doing it to make me feel bad. (I sing a lot worse when I feel insecure.) She even admits to being mad at me for winning last year. =_=
Val saw me! :O Hillo guys! ^.^ I'm finally on again, I got my own computer back. What'd I miss?
iC-kun is getting married! Yay! (: Kiryu: We can't except for this month, and they had to be planned before the thread about marriages.