That's pretty far short of 'everyone'.
Obviously. X3 That depends heavily, if not solely, on the alcohol and brand. I'm sure there's some form out there you wouldn't find completely distasteful. Now companies focus much more on exotic tasting stuff to mask it than anything else.
Virginia Beach, Virginia~
Like how many people would you have then? I currently don't use a buddy list. I don't exploit that feature of privacy for PM and email so I have no use for it.
Mish is into that kind of thing? :P And you would, you kinky beast.
At the annual Renaissance Festival I've worn them. I'm pretty lean so it's not that bad, but they're quite painful on the ribs. They were better for higher class Victorian women, since the popular thing back then was to have two ribs removed for the everyday wear of those horrible contraptions.
You know, Bailey's always appeared so appetizing in the commercials. Like milked down cocoa. Or a frappuccino~
Would you call this thread really epic? :\
Except for the part where I'm more than a year old.
6 pages. Hmmm. I've tried beer, though I don't care for it. Pucker is fairly nice for parties, and light vodka in strawberry soda. I'm not partial to beer simply because I don't like having horrible breath and the mere taste of it....Although I'm not as negative towards other types of liquor that would be the equivalent of beer. Things from India as well as cheap sake. Actually, sake doesn't have a very fond taste, but I think it's more of a winter drink due to the fact that it seems to give a more warming feeling to the throat opposed to other alcohol I've experienced.
Well thanks for necro bumping you sped, Jesus Christ. XD KItty: Damn straight I am.
Um, no one really knows you on the forum. You have to create tracks to be loved. :\
Yes, Hikaru is very adapt in the English language.
You're too kind. *blushes* This makes me feel so happy.
I'm have more qualities than that and you know it. >:3
I can't believe I did that either. *shakes head in disappointment* I like, never make homophone mistakes. XD
I get to be his personal lover, yes?
Most animu styles insert a shine similar to yours, but it's even and doesn't start our as...I can't think of a word...'chunky' as the one you used. It usually also corresponds with the way the hair falls over the forehead as well. It's much better than ripping a style. :3 Perspective, persective... Right now I'd focus on just anatomy before attempting that kind of thing. Anatomy > shading > angles > forced perspective > coloring Also, try to draw from real life. The reason why I don't have as much trouble as I use to with anatomy is due to the fact that I drew all realism before I did animu style. It helps greatly, and for once, /ic/ is right. >3>
*sigh* Thankyou...
What have people been negatively repping you for? :\ I will admit to criticizing you for gathering unneeded attention about your life and throwing pity parties, but I've always found it more or less better to get over it than acting all hardcore whiny "My life is so bad." since there are people who go threw the same stuff and don't have to get sympathy posts from people online. lol, So contradictory.