First Date - blink 182
I never saw my Shoe Buddy today... I'm gonna bug him anyway ^^ I was beaten to it!! I made one, though XD
Oh. YAY ICE CREAM!! *falls out of chair* Zexion was pretty that day.. xD Zack, you look very pretty, m'dear.
THE PRINTER?! T'is okay, I'm married to my pensul ^^ ZOMG!!! No one knows about where I live >.>
>.> <.< <.> >.< I'm sorry.. His brother as well...
I've had water, two HotPockets, and a PopTart all day :D And I've watched some Shirota, if that counts.
Wheeheehee, we're NINJAs~! Yup Yup. I dunno, a lot of times
Oh man, I know XP I've never seen the word "marry" so many times in my life >.> Oh, there's a wall there, dearie. You should watch out for that *nod nod*
*runs into door for no reason* So what's up, guys?
Bye byez, Teh Moodkip Poncho~!
*blinks and looks* I guess I am O.o Must've forgotten to take it off. But it does make me more ninja-er =D That's good
-Emu-chan- Touche`. I have a vampire! *pokes Vinniecent-dearest* BAM -khchick- Yup yup ^^ *hugs* I'm okay. Watching me some Shirota-san ;) How about you?
-Emu-chan- Oh yeah? Well.. HOT POCKETS!!! -khchick- ?? To me it says you're offline. But that's still awesome! ^^ PONCHO~
♪No one saw me because I'm a ninjaaa~!♪ >.> <.< *ahem* Sorry >.<
*laughs at Forsaken* I mean, it's okay *pats*
-Emu-chan- Ohh, okay. -Roxllen- Hi there ^^ How are you? -khchick- Okay, Ja Ne!!
Man, we used to have a record player. That thing was the best thing in the world for me when I was younger.
-Emu-chan- You go for it!! -khchick- Ooh, very niiice ^^
Haha *hugs* Hey there. Whatcha guys up to at this hour?
I'm pretty sure we all kinda did ._.