I've already beaten him...it was kinda...hard...xD I'm on the end of the game and Marluxia is driving me nuts...I can't defeat him...xD
You're soooooo right CtR!!! Look at this!! xDDD I've just taken this picture...Vexen looks like he's mad!!! xD
YAY!!! ...My mom doesn't know I'm on the computer at this time...hheheh...I'm evil...xDDDDD
Simple and clean in your pants...ok...xD I love you in your pants...xDDDD
It's 10:22 in the morning...:D
*groans* "It's a bit hard to eat you when you're hiding in your shell..." *pokes shell with claw* "C'mon!! Just get out of there!!"
Umbrella in your pants. xD
Good morning my familly!!! :)
*Imediatly looks at Demyx* "So you're here Demyx...I've been searching for ya..." *frees himself from Xigbar's grip and starts to walk in Demyx direction* "Here, little turtle..." (OOC: Let's just say that Marluxia is a hungry fox...xD)
"Nooo! Riku! Talk to us! Say something! Don't sleep now..."
(OOC: Back!! No for too long but...I'M BACK!! xD) "No!! Riku!! you're not gonna die! You're just scared that's all!! *looks at the dead spider on the floor* "It sure looks poisonous...I think we should tell a teacher to call an ambulance...I'm worried..."
We're mean...xDD or not...xDD man...I look like a drunk!! xDDD Oh Hi there CtR!! :)
"Riku? You don't feel good?" *pain on his back* "Ouch! my back hurts...the spider bit me there...are we going to die? *cries* (OOC: Gotta go now guys...my little sis wants to play sims2...xD See ya!!)
OMG!! You're soooooooo mean....xDDDDD xDDD xDDD
(OOC: I guess that's another spider...Riku's one already dead...xDDDD) "AAHHHHH!! NO!!!" *the spider bits him* "OUUUUCH!! IT BIT ME!! GET IT OFF!!!"
OMG!! I tought it was just me, but looks like you're getting to database errors too...
*walks to Riku* "Riku? Are you ok? You're so pale!" *looks at Riku's bitten hand* "See? I told you spiders weren't cool!! ...You really are pale now Riku..."
"WHAT?!! You think a spider it's cool? Ewwww..." *looks better at Riku's face* "Hehehehe...you got paint on your face...hehehe"
YAY to LKX!! It's....High on posts!!! xDDD (High on posts? What was that? xDDDD)
*pouts* "It was that so? Are you sure?" *feels somthing on his shoulder* "....AHHHHHH! Spider!! Ish a Spider on my shoulder!!" *Runs around* "Get it off me!! Get it off me!!" (OOC: LOOOL xD)