for me its like 15-40kbps and the price is like 20 bucks... i got it on sale! and i get to keep it for a year. then its like 30 lol. but because my area was a "dead-zone", my downloads are kinda slow but in the near future, its gonna be hekka fast. (n i live in the Salinas Valley (Ca) to let you guys no that its really rural and not much is going on... ---Khilango
Have A Fraking Awsome B-Day! Don't Forget To Get Crunk! Peace Out! ----Khilango
Have A Freakin' Awsome B-Day! and don't forget to get crunk! lol Peace! ---Khilango
i have more Golden Oldies CDs than Today's music. mostly from the 50-60s. ---Khilango
Banshee, MySpace, I.M., KH-Vids.Net, FaceBook, other forum, YouTube, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, sleep.
yup... there, Saïx reveals to the Org. that he told Sora the plan that they had. yup, its already trnaslated and ifts on youttube, then it has been discovered.
***Theory*** the king got behind the door after talking to Riku. Riku started to look for the person of that voice but he got trapped when Ansem summoned Kingdom Hearts. Riku found himself surrounded by darkness so the king helped him (my guess with the dream sword). KH chose the king to be its keyblade wielder (gold) . i think that because if he acquired the key b4 that, he would have saved Riku and he wouldt be there but trying to follow sora in order to close KH b4 Ansem summoning. i hope that gives u n idea of what happened... if u think about it fora long time, you might be able to come with a hekka better theory than mine! lol ---Khilango
Axel - Luxord = The 13th Dillema Guard Armor = Shrouding Dark Cloud Data Bosses = The 13th Reflection You can download the songs (1 by 1) from BLueLaguna.Net Hereś the link: ---Khilango
welp, Johnny is like the main dude with da kool dat keeps him low but you know he aint slow, lol... ---Khilango
welp... according to the poll, iPod Owns the mp3 industry. so instead of helping me, in this thread you guys can argue about who kicks butt. sp post away! ---Khilango
the mp3 made from microsoft. am just looking for opinions on who is the best out there! ---khilango
i think am the one who kills it! ------ ppl like that song cuz of the rhythm. also because it favorizes ppl who THINK they are hot so ppl notice and they start to get cool stuff so they start to think THEY are hot. if songs like that didnt exist, all the HOT TECH woouldnt exist. no hard feelings tho! ---Khilango
i wonder if that glitch was made on purpose so that ppl would by the Zune. Damn microsoft! lol ---Khilango
Riku "You Are Right. Light And Darkness Are Eternal. Nothing Probably Goes Forever Too. But Guess What, Xemnas?" Sora "That Doesn't Mean YOU are Eternal!" or... Sora "Riku!" *Jumps On Cool Floating Device Where Riku Is* or... Sora "You Are Coming Back With Us, Right?" Riku "How Am I Suppose To Face Everyone?" Sora "Like This!" *Makes Funny Face* Riku *Laughs* .... Riku "I'll Open A Path. Oh?" King Mickey "You Don't Belong In The Realm Of Darkness Anymore, Riku." Goes from the last battle to the poin where everybody is out of Kingdom Hearts after they "defeat" Xemnas. Hope That Helps! ---Khilango
i got a Sansa and i have to recharge it every 2 friking days! and i only use it for songs and SOMETIMES pics... RARELY vids. so i gave up on the 1st Gen Shuffle and the Sansa product :-( ---Khilango
thank you! that was helpful! and ur siggy is funny! and if u are an apple junkie, what model do u recomend?
how can they give her a new iPod for free if it was past warranty?
yea but the ones that i have bought suck the life outta the poor battery. the local stores had to raise he price on the batteries because of me! lol ---Khilango
i like a brand mp3 player cuz the ones i have kinda break or get messed up quickly and they dont have a very good brand name to provide background. i have the Sansa e205 2gb but even with the cover provided (looks like the ipod cover) it got scratched really bad... bad enough to litearry break the screen of anger... which i did so i got a hard case and i cut the screen n i replaced it with a piece of tape... :p also 1 but the sansa (older version) ate the battery in like 3 uses. so my duracel bill got high in a month lol. the iPod shuffle (older version) didnt satisfy me because of the screen. and my mom has the 5th GN of the iPod 30gb. and i like it but it does freeze @ times... rarely though... ---Khilango
i looked everywhere for an iPod-Zune discussion but i cant find any so go easy on the flaming. --------------------- Yeah i looked @ the sites about mp3 devices but i get all confused! also am getting an mp3 in the summer. so i want to hear your comments on both devices and which one should be called mp3 Master, iPod or the Zune? :p ---Khilango -------------------- EDIT: Sice ppl have relly helped me decide, ama dedicate this thread to iPod-Zune-Other discussion! so you guys can argue who kicks butt instead of making threads about it... relieves the thread congestion in these forums y'know? welp, Peace Out and post away! ---Khilango