What's up, iP? Hey, DP!! How are you? Gotta keep the holiday alive.. *smacks Tidus*
Yeah, you should definitely try to see it sometime. It's uber greatness. I like Corpse Bride, but I kinda didn't at the same time. The music was brilliant though.
Heyyy, KeybladewarriorNexus! What's been going on?
Yeah, but that wasn't the brunt of it. When Roxas went away, she starting bawling -_-; I named my frogs Axel and Zexion. Then Axel ate Zexion. I also named my trombone Ienzo ^_^
Yes, Danny Elfman is purely amazing. *nod nod* But I totally forgot about Beetle Juice!
That's good, sounds like oodles of fun xD But I'm all right, thanks ^^ -khchick- *falls out of chair*
Hehe, Teh Moodkip Poncho ish here! *pokehs* What's up?
I could see myself doing that too >.> But I think the maddest thing I've ever done is let my sister discover Kingdom Hearts. My friend had made me a Keyblade once, and she was in my room playing it. She got mad at it, so she started hitting the TV with my Keyblade. It was cardboard and it got messed up >.< Then every time I watch Advent Children she immediately wants to play it because of Cloud
=] So glad I am not the only one. I like all those same ones, plus Sleepy Hollow.
Does anyone else around here like his movies?
Oh, thank you so much!! *sucks on Lemon Heads* Well, since Tidus almost died, I'm willing to put Vincent out ^^ I'm sure he has something in him *prods with stick*
<.> >.< <.< >.> Uh-ohez...
Tidus, you better have some Lemon Heads inside of you, 'cause I want them!! *throws shoe*
Hm.. I think I could get used to this day... Candy? *smacks Tidus*
-khchick- That's good! OoOh, is it really?!
Hey hey! *hugs back* I'm all right, thanks. Just woke up ^,^ You? I need to make you one too... Try hitting Vincent. He doesn't hit back. Only twitch =D
Oh, okay! Thankee ^^
*ninja poofs* O.o I'd ask what was going on, but I'm afraid I'll get shot...
That's good you're out, khchick =] I think I've been out for about two weeks?
*waves to people that arrived* Have you guys noticed iP is a Premium Member now?