OKay lets say the nobodies got there hearts back and still lived in the world the never was, so yeah this is just another lame idea of mine so pick some one already and give them a somebody name Xemnas 'Xehanort' Xigbar 'Braig' - Kitsune Xaldin 'Dilan' Vexen 'Even' Lexaeus 'Aeleus' Zexion 'Ienzo' Sai'x Axel 'Ale' - Oxyrt Demyx 'Myde' - anniexo_lexa Luxord Marluxia 'Amaru' - Nexit@h XIV Larxene 'Ralene' - Rikus#1fangirl Roxas 'Neo Sora' Namine 'Neo Kairi' - naminestwinsister The reason why am calling Sora, Neo Sora is becuase the real Sora is still out there somewhere so yeah just pick someone
Okay I was just thinking, so many years ago it was alright to have kids while we were about 13 since we didn't live long but then it got move to 16 (or what every age it is where you're from) since people started to live longer, But now since people are living up to there 80's and 90's do you think that age for having kids should be rised again or is it fine as it is now?
The joy of having you as a friend Is one of the best things I have in my life The happiness you give me everyday Is more then I could ask for The promise I'll be there for you Is as real as your promise for me That's forever we'll be friends No matter how far apart we are My friend --------------- This is too all my friends on and off line
I don't think much of this but I do like it, no CnC please
Yes this is a lame rip off of Roxas_is_hot roleplay Organization XIII gets AIM but this ime it's on MSN Pick some one by the way I take Demyx and you can your own screen name Xemnas - overlord 'cyber blade master' Xigbar - Ienzo 'Xiggi' Xaldin - Vexen - Cloaked-Schemer 'Hojo-fan' Lexaeus - Zexion - G++ Sai'x - Gharanth 'Moon-Demon' Axel - Dual Wielder 'I <3 Larxene' Demyx- anniexo_lexa 'Waterfall' Luxord - Roxas_is_hot Marluxia - Nexit@h XIV 'Poison Ivy' Larxene - naminestwinsister 'larxy285' Roxas - ZakuraRabbit 'Key of Destiny' Naminé - Jordier0xs0x 'Memory_Witch01' And why not the others Sora - another keyblader 'kingdom_key_sora' Kairi - Rikus#1fangirl 'The_7th_Princess' Riku - Aeirth G 'Keyblader-For-The-Darkness' if you want to be anyone else in the game just tell me Cloud - ichristian 'GWBS'
To my love When you see me cry Do not think they are tears of sorrow For they are tears of joy And that my love is what you are to me You are my joy, you are my happiness You are my star of hope in times of dispair You are my ray of light within the darkness My one true love who I will love forever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wrote this last night in bed after it just poped in my head, I would of waited till today to write it down but I didn't want to forget a single word.
OKay then here's the deal, the nobodies live on the same street 'Nobody road' (yeah lame I know) and anything goes but keep it okay for the kiddies (Yes a little Yaoi or Yuri, yes am using both female nobodies Namie and Larxene) pick please Xemnas: Xigbar: naminesgirl Xaldin: Vexen: Lexaeus: Zexion: G++ Sai'x: Gharanth Axel: Arc Demyx: anniexo_lexa Luxord: Marluxia: Firenanaki Larxene: naminestwinsister Roxas: Kingdom-Fan98 Namine: myoblivion am going to throw in Sora, Riku and Kairi in as well Sora: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Riku: ichristian Kairi: Emo Pengwin
Before opening the link just let me tell you what you're letting your self in for...It a pic of Xigbar I did last night on paint (in about 5 minutes) in pink ladies undies http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55323208/
I am sitting here alone in my sweet insaity Waiting for you to free me from this pain I want to run away from everything, run away from you But you keep ahold of me to make me face it all Can't you see I have to run to keep my mind alive I can not keep on going on this way. No matter how much I try I can never win Not untill I ecape from you, and that is what I'll do I will ecape and be free so there nothing you can do I will break you hold on me and run away for good I will send you my demon back to where you came And you will never hurt me like this again. ---------------------------------- Man how long has it been since I posted a poem, well anyways here my new one, I got the idea for it from Sara's MSN screen name 'Alone in my sweet insaity' so if you like this poem, thanks her as well, if you don't...oh well
I got the idea from Gharanth fan fic so enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USSugDuXBPo
For some reason, this song goes well with Sai'x and Axel, so enjoy http://video.kh-vids.net/recentvideos/1/83df7646-d80b-41e8-b2a5-9922010a4b2b.htm Edit: here's the youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOZ7WYeBx34
Cus I got some funny one right here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMqLVmCQLi8&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=055ZA5kGfAs&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cwPBL6IZks&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z83WWw3WtpE&mode=user&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDQMfbJ1Y-c
This is the first boyxboy fan fics I've wrote, not to big on the pairing but what the heck enjoy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was clam and the sky was full of stars, the wind was softly blowing in the tree. Under one of the trees sat a young couple cuddling up to each other “Roxas my love I have to go away for awhile” Demyx said talking hold of Roxas hand, He looked up at Demy with his blue eyes, even though he was smiling his eyes looked sad “I wish you didn’t have to go but I will wait for you to return” He said look away, Demyx held his chin softly and pulled his face back so he could see it and kissed him lovely “I do not want to go my love and leave you here but I promise that I will return to you” Demyx said. The next morning Demyx left, he got on a boat and set sail, as the boat drifted away, Demyx and Roxas watched each other until they could not longer see each other; Roxas went to the café where he said he would wait for her love to return. Out at sea the sky and ocean were both clam and the wind was strong just as Demyx had hoped for “If this keeps up then I should be home by tomorrow” he said to himself, Demyx’s hoped were washed away as a storm started to brew, he knew that he had to find land and fast, but there was no land to be seen for mails. The storm got stronger and the waves got higher, the boat was lomb sided and Demyx fell in to the sea, he thought that he was going to drown but for some reason he could breath underwater and he could feel his legs he looked down to see that he didn’t have any leg but a tail, he had been changed in to a mermen he swam back up to the surface in hopes of seeing land, but just as he feared there was no land to be seen, so he ducked back under the water to have a look around, but just like on the surface there wasn’t much to see apart from a his sitar that he dropped as he fell in to the sea, Demyx swam down to it to pick it up then swam away to where he thought was land. Some times Demyx would jump out of the water to see if he was anywhere near land, but he wasn’t, by night fell he wasn’t sure he could see land but wasn’t to sure so he lied down hiding in seaweed and soon fell a sleep. The next morning when he woke up he saw a shank swimming above him, he slowly grabbed his sitar and tried to swim away but the shank saw him and charged at him biting his arm, Demyx sung his sitar at the shank and hit it in the belly and as the shank sank to the bottom of the sea another storm started to brew and the sea carried him to land but as he got to land he was knocked out. Demyx woke up that night on the beach, he got up seeing that he was now human again, he knew where he was, he was home, he ran up to the café where Roxas said he would wait for him and when he walked in to the cafe he was asleep with his head rested on a table, he woke up hearing someone walking in and when he saw who it was he ran to Demyx and hugged him and he hugged him back and they walked home together hand-in-hand.
Just so you know my birthday is coming, 11th may but all I want is kh com on game boy and a tablet (sp?) and lots of people have been asking me what do I want. This happens to me every year for the past 3-4 years, I'm telling you my birthdays seem to be just another day to me.
I had the radio on the other day and they said that Walt Disney was afread of mice, but then he came up with Mickey and Minni Mouse, bizare but in away a good way to get over it
This is boyXboy you don't like then don't read ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just like every night he would go down to the lake to look up at the moon that made his golden eyes brighter as they sat nicely on both sides of the X shaped scar, the moon would also reflex on his long blue hair. When he got to the lake he saw that someone else was there standing in the lake with his jeans rolled up and his boots on the bank on the lake, it was Demyx, he was about a year or so younger then Sai’x but his blond mullet, blue eyes and his happy-go-lucky and naive looks made him seem younger. Sai’x stood to the left of Demyx when he stopped at the edge of the lake and looked up at the moon that was full. As the two nobodies stood there, one in the water and the other on land, Demyx started to hum to him self, unaware that Sai’x was there. This made Sai’x look down at him. Normally Sai’x would find this irritating, but for some odd reason he enjoyed Demyx’s humming, he found it peaceful and calming. The more Sai’x thought about it the more he saw Demyx as peaceful and calm, just like the lake was, Sai’x also began to like Demyx for some unknown reason. That would also normally irritate him, but being near the lake under the full moon made Sai’x enjoy the things that should irritate him, he closed his eyes and smiled as Demyx continued to hum. After awhile he heard Demyx move in the water but Sai’x didn’t open his eyes until he felt a finger run along his scar, when he opened his eyes and looked down at Demyx, he stepped back away from Sai’x and fell over a rock and in to the lake, wetting his back. Sai’x pulled Demyx up by his shoulders. When Demyx was standing up again Sai’x pulled Demyx in to a hug and ran a hand though Demyx wet hair, Demyx stood there in amazement as Sai’x held him “Sai’x?” Demyx asked when Sai’x softly rested his chin on Demyx’s head, but Sai’x just softly hushed Demyx as he started to rock back and fourth still holding Demyx, who cuddled up to Sai’x. The two nobodies stood there until midnight but by that time Demyx had fallen asleep so Sai'x picked Demyx up in his arms and took him back to his room. Sai'x laid Demyx on his bed and slowly took his coat and jeans off so all Demyx had on was a pair off light blue boxers, Sai'x got undressed as well and put on some dark blue pj's that had crescent moons on them. He then got into bed with Demyx and cuddled the Melodious Nocturne. He fell asleep after giving Demyx a kiss on the forehead.
In the year 2020 the world was spilt in to two, on one side was the rich and the other was the poor, they didn't know about each other untill they found an old power that was lot to human for many year and that was the power of magic. --------------------------------------- OKay I need 9 people, 5 to be in rich and 4 to be in poor, sigh up like this Name: Anniexo Age: 18 Power: Star light Side: Poor Gender: Female please don't all go for the same power Anniexo - Me Garner - Gharanth Orion Energy - Orion Kaufman - burnitup Bolder - demonslayer_kyle F - mr_croup
Anniexo came out of the portal and saw Sai'x who had long blue hair. He eyed Anniexo with his golden eyes; right between his eyes was a large X shaped scar. He had a smile on his face, as he was coming out of his room. "Hey Sai'x I take it you're thinking of Xetherah. Talking about her, what do you think of her?" Anniexo asked taking the type recorder out again and pressing record, the smile on Sai'x face got bigger. "There no other nobody I would be with, if I had heart I would love her" Sai'x replied. "I think every nobody knows that Sai'x" Anniexo said putting the type recorder away, and walked away. When she turned the corner a wet Axel was there with Demyx in a headlock. Axel had red spiky hair, green eyes, and two purple lines on his cheeks and Demyx had a blond mullet and blue eyes. "Axel, let go of Demyx. I wanna ask you two something anyway" Anniexo said as she grabbed hold of Axels arms and pulled them apart. "So what do you wanna know?" Axel asked, letting go of Demyx. "I wanna know what you think about Xetherah?" Anniexo asked pulling the type recorder and pressing record. "She's a great nobody, I really playing trick on other nobodies with her...But she doesn't want to play tricks on Sai'x" Axel replied. "She's really great, she's fun to be with, I feel safe being around Sai'x when she's around" Demyx replied before wetting Axel again and running away. Axel was soon after him again. "Don't hurt him Axel" Anniexo said as she put the type recorder back in her pocket. Anniexo turned around to go the other way when she walked right in to Luxord, who had blond hair, blue eyes and a beard. "Alright Luxord, you get on with Xetherah right?" Anniexo said pressing record after taking the recorder out of her pocket...again. "No, because every time we play cards, I'm sure she cheats. When we play cards she sings silly songs to put me off" Luxord said before walking away, just behind him was Marluxia. He had pink hair had blue eyes. "Ah Marluxia, what do you think of Xetherah?" Anniexo asked. "Yeah, we get on well, she sometimes helps out in my garden" Marluxia replied. "Well she is a bit of a biology nut" Anniexo said putting the tape recorder away before fading in to another portal. When Anniexo came out on the other side of the portal she saw Larxene, and she was in a very bad mood "Had another run in with Xetherah?" Anniexo mocked, before she could get the tape recorder out. Larxene gave Anniexo a look like thunder so she took that as a ‘yes’, and that she hated Xetherah. Anniexo just walked down the hall to Roxas’s room, when she knocked Roxas opened the door. Roxas had short blond spiky hair and blue eyes. "Hey Roxas, what do you think of Xetherah?" Anniexo asked pressing record on the tape recorder. "We're good friends, we're always playing computers games. Sometimes I win, sometimes she does" Roxas replied. "Thanks kiddo" Anniexo said as she put the tape recorder back in her pocket, Roxas went back in to his room to play more computer games. "Once again I've done it, thanks god" Anniexo said, before fading in to another portal back to her room.
Once again Anniexo was asked to go around the first thirteen members of the Organization, just to ask then what they think of their new member, Xetherah. Anniexo walked in to the meeting room where the first two members where talking, they soon stopped at looked over at Anniexo who removed her hood to show dark blue hair and light blue eyes. "Hey, sorry to butt in but can I ask you two something?" Anniexo asked pulling out the same old type recorder she had used before, Xemnas turned to face her, next to his tan skin Anniexo looked as white as his hair. "Let me guess you want to know what I think of our new member" Xemnas said. "Well yeah, so what do you think of Xetherah?" she asked pressing record and waited for answer. "She's a nice girl but she finds it funny, to make fun of my name" Xemnas replied, Anniexo smiled knowing that she too made fun of Xemnas name, she looked away then looked at Xigbar, who had long black hair with gray highlights, a scar from the left hand side of his face and up to his cheek and a eye patch covering hid right golden eye that was just a bit lighter then Xemnas eyes. "She's cool, a great shot with that bow of hers" Xigbar said walking up to Anniexo and Xemnas, he then looked around to make sure no one else was there. "You make fun of her and I'll kick you" Anniexo said remembering how he made fun of Maru until Vexen showed up at threw ice at him. "Alright, chill little dude" Xigbar said, Anniexo then put the recorder back in her pocket after pressing record. "Thanks anyway you two, I'm off to find Xaldin" Anniexo said before fading in to a portal. Anniexo came to Xaldin’s room and eyed his door before knocking and stepping to the side, the door was swung open standing there was the Xaldin himself, he was very well built, his long black hair was in cane rows and tied at the back since it was so long, he also had side burns and blue eyes. "What do you want Anniexo?" Xaldin asked looking down at her. "I want to know what you think of Xetherah" Anniexo replied with a smile as she got the recorder out and pressed record, the only reason why she was smiling was because she knew she was going to get a good answer from Xaldin. "Well since you're asking about her, I'll tell you what I think of her. Xetherah is a great friend, the only one who I get on with" Xaldin replied. Anniexo pressed stop and eyed Xaldin. "Okay apart from you, but I get on better with Xetherah" Xaldin said before going back in his room and slamming the door shut. "Charming, first he pins me to the walk and now he's says we're not friends. Last time I give him a good comment on his cooking" Anniexo said as she faded in to another portal down to the lab. In the lab was the forth member of the Organization, Vexen, he hand long blond hair and green eyes, after hearing someone entering the lab he turned around to see who it was. "Hello Anniexo, what are you doing here?" Vexen asked getting up from his chair. "I want to know what you think of Xetherah" Anniexo replied taking the tape recored out again and pressing record. "She a nice nobody, great with her weapon and power and that’s about it really. Now if you don't mind, I'm just getting ready to meet Marluxia and Maru" Vexen said going back to his desk. "All right then, but tell Marluxia that I'll want to talk to him in a bit" Anniexo said before heading for the library where Lexaeus and Zexion were. When she got to the library Lexaeus, who had short brownish hair that kind of zigzagged at the back, blue eyes and was very well built, was getting a book from one of the many bookshelves. Zexion on the other hand was a lot smaller then Lexaeus. He had very light blue hair and dark eyes, but only his left eye could be seen since he hid the other one with his hair. He was already sitting down at a deck reading a book. Anniexo walked over to Lexaeus, who looked down at her knowing full well why she was here. "Hey Lex, what do you think Xetherah?" Anniexo asked pressing record once again. "She's nice, a lot of fun to be with" Lexaeus replied. "She's not nice" Zexion said. He had walked up to Anniexo and Lexaeus. "Oh you're just saying that because you two keep on having philosophical arguments" Anniexo said after pressing stop and putting the recorder back in her pocket. "Well, best be moving on. See ya" Anniexo said fading in to a portal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just to let you know Xetherah is Gharanth Nobody
Will I be missed if I just lied down and died I feel like people hate me but I know that is a lie I always feel like the worst has happen to me When in fact the best has I feel like no one sees me No matter where I am Won't you show me? That I am just being silly Show me the light Out of my darkness ------------------------------------------ Am not sure if I've posted this poem before since I wrote it last year, if I have please tell me, anyways enjoy