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  1. Alice
    Where to began :O? Below contain links.

    Nakashima Mika
    IOSYS etc. etc.
    Hirano Aya etc.
    Shimamiya Eiko etc.
    Perfume etc. etc.


    I know a lot more, but I don't feel like taking the time to list them right now. I'll come back later,
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Music
  2. Alice
    It would be a good strategy to get Kairi up to speed. XD

    Kairi: Accurate depiction of preceding incident.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Alice


    And that's what creates the controversy over the subject. They obviously can't physically talk, but you can't really say whether they would have the mental capacity to make such a decision. Obviously if they were older they would be able to. 'if'

    Nevertheless, I must agree with highlighted statement. Even while I do support abortion to a certain extent.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Alice


    Dashing rebuttal!!1

    Sorry about wandering off trail. Anyway, CSI girl, did you mean 'in the uterus'? I dunno, it seems like it would make sense.

    But the thing is that's a whole different situation. I mean to say that if you were to kill someone spontaneously like that it would have a much greater effect. They would probably have family and friends, no one really knows a fetus. It's just kind of...there. Abortion is like one of those things that we get for being such a developed race. We have technology, medical support, entertainment, and other extra things because of our intelligence. The world is like a parent. All of the people are like it's children. It provides us with things, but we all fight over them. Why do we have wars? Because we have something to fight over.

    Obviously according to Christian teachings one would say that god does not promote abortion. But if the Christian god exists and were to do so, then why has it been allowed to enter our world? Such paradoxes get interrupted by the theory of 'free will'', but many of the people who are arguing that are also associating it with predestination, something that is practically the complete opposite of free will.

    The term free will indicates that no matter what your situation is you can change it. Fate does not exist in the theory of free will. Unlike in predestination, you have the power to take a dynamic path in life. Or, in the case of abortion, end it. Still one can very validly say that it isn't the baby who is choosing to die, therefore free will is severed in the given relationship. Predestination says that no matter how you try, you have a set fate. You cannot change yourself to a point where you will choose whether you will go to heaven or hell, live a wealthy life or a poor one, it has already been decided. Regardless of the actions you make as you are young, you cannot make any changes to your path in life, in other words, this is a 'static' theory.

    And this is where the paradox comes into play. Someone says "Yes, but what if that child is meant to be someone's wife or husband." Well, speaking in your theory of predestination, that statement is a complete throw away. If they are destined to do anything, it would be to die in the womb. And as cold as it sounds, it fits the conforming theory perfectly. Of course, after the Second Great Awakening in the 1800s, predestination was mostly trashed by the whole community. So, we bring free will into the picture. Actually what most people are doing here is trying to mix the two, but it doesn't work very well seeing how much they both contradict eachother.

    Whoa, am I turning this into a full-fledged essay or what? >.>

    Metaphorically, mixing the two is mixing oil and water. They just aren't soluble. If one is to say, "Well, if that child was meant to be born than the mother shouldn't interfere." Yet in a slightly different perspective [that still follows all the rules of predestination and free will] another individual could reply, "Easy answer. The child obviously wasn't meant to be born." I'm not going to be sugar-coated with this subject. The reality is no one can come up with a fair answer. Such topics are strictly opinionated, due to the development of our diverse culture.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Alice
    X3 I highly doubt this statement. What grade are you in? I mean seriously, if you're really popular in school then [a] You're female and all the other girls think you're a skank, but don't tell you You're male and all the people who don't know you/hang out with you think you're a prick. There are always people in the world who aren't your type.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Alice


    I loooooove House (*¬*). Probably one of the few shows on American television that I watch anymore *glares at FX for practically never running Always Sunny in Philidelphia*

    ...Um what is that word? XD
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Alice
    When I said I assumed that you left te hands out of the picture because you can't draw them well I didn't say "OMGLOL I BET YOU LEFT THE HANDS OUT CUZ YOU SUCCK AMIRITE GAIZ?!1"

    I said it because I merely thought that you were avoiding them, since usually when I cut that part of a picture out it's because I can't get the hand right. . I wasn't trying to be insulting. I apologize if you took it in such a way~

    And when I say 'stolen' I don't mean to degrade you, because obviously a lot of people use the anatomy of another picture as reference for drawings, but I simply wanted you to know that it is better to create your own pose since I know I can look at a reference and draw almost twice as good as I can with just my mind and hand. A lot of famous artists us references for paintings, but I see that in a much different way than when I draw in anime style, since realism tends to be much more difficult.

    -and it's not offending at all. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to mention 'tougher skin' and then try to whine about you being mean, no? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Alice
    *kicks you.....with love lol*

    Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Alice


    Thanks, I assumed it was associated with that.

    Lovely. *glares at art and graphics thread*

    On the subject, people are talking about condoms and such, but certain religions [such as catholicism] look down upon any sort of prevention. Of course, there is always abstinence.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Alice
    Oh lawd, maybe I should have expected this. :| Okay, first of all, I never said anything about YOUR artwork being cheap. Please reread my post and you'll see I was actually saying I ADMIRED your work for being one of the few on here that aren't shopped sigs. *sigh* Secondly, I think you are taking this way too seriously. If you didn't want CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM you should have made that clear in your post. Obviously, you came here waiting for people to say "Oh that's so moe, she looks really nice!" And that's fine, but I would have appreciated it if you told me that beforehand.

    Sorry, but being a frequent poster on 4chan's /ic/ and the MT art forums, I'm used to people with a little tougher skin.

    Also, I'm not advertising. :| As I told you, my tablet is currently not functioning properly, therefore not adequate to make redline examples. BTW I'm aware that character is a loli, but I didn't say "Here make sure to compare the EYES" I suggested that you see the waist and arm proportioning.

    I don't watch Bleach, but I've seen more than enough screencaps to know what the character looks like. She definitely does not have triangular arms as you're implying. I don't care to get into inane intarweb arguments like such, but you do have to realize that in no way did I harass you. It's called a social shell. I'm sorry that I'm going to interpret your work seriously, unlike many others would on this forum. I only said such because I assume you want to improve. Perhaps not. :|

    lol, wut?
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Alice


    Especially if the mother has a whole family of her own. If she already has children and knows that she needs to be there for her family, if she chooses to live her decision is only more supported. Logically, it's in the best interest of everyone in that family to have a mother in the household contrary to another sibling that must be raised with only one parent.

    This isn't relevant, but I have an orange square instead of the white one I see on most people's profiles, what does this indicate? Heh. I feel like such a noob. (*¬*);

    Also: I think that lungs are the last organ to form, since babies often get 'colics' that trip up their respiratory system. The heartbeat can usually be heard at about 2-4 months, which is actually rather early.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Alice
    When I said 4th grade much I wasn't trying to say that I actually thought you were in 4th grade, I was more or less saying the sentence merely sounded elementary. And I'm not critising your idea at all, just the format ;3

    ~On the note, I'm in eighth grade also (´▽`);
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Alice
    Border of Death ~ Miko Quim IOSYS remix
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Alice
    My motor senses are failing me, as well as my vision/hearing. I've been awake for about eighteen hours. ;_; Enticing farking fanfics.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Alice
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Alice
    Not relevant to this thread: Did you draw your avvy?

    The thing I dislike about the 3 chapters restriction is that it often cuts off the best part of the fanfic...meh. I guess it's a lure of sorts to attract people to your thread.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Alice
    Since I don't tend to critique really on sigs, I'll just say you should consider saving your images as PNG files, as the JPEG artifacts I see in your images takes away from the clarity. More filesize, but better qualilty.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Alice
    Wierd chivi anatomy is weird...but I think I've given up hope on that subject at these forums. ^^;;;

    With his finger at his mouth like that, Axel kind of reminds me of L.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Alice


    Yes, scientifically and in technicalities that is when life begins, however, if one is referring to a 'lived life' it becomes a whole situation. In the womb, a fetus is basically a vegetable. It can't do anything for itself and is currently leading no 'purposeful' life. Again predestination, opinion, etc.

    Also, I believe it's ultrasound. I lazy to google.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Alice


    Forgot to post this in my huge monster of one earlier:

    If we are to speak realistically, humans are nothing more than animals of highly developed intelligence. However, when chickens are given a substance that kills any life in their egg we don't whine about abortion, do we? See, we think just because we're at the top of the food chain we are somehow superior to this reality. We aren't. Oh and for the record, I'm not like supporting the chicken or anything. I'm soOoOooOo not for PETA >.>;
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner