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  1. Anase
    (((OMG, my computer is slow! GRR!!!)))

    Rude joined in the fight and reared his fist back, powering up a punch and he threw it forward but Zexion caught him by the wrist. "I don't think so." He sent an electrical jolt through Rude's arm as he stumbled back. Now his whole left arm was numb. "What the heck are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing... I'm killing you." Rude shook his head. "I don't want to fight you kid. Don't this." Zexion didn't listen and sent two of his illusions out to tackle Rude and pin him against the wall.

    "Still using the voice of reason? I don't think so. It's rather disappointing. but, I'm really disappointed in you Saix. Everyone revered you as second in command... you were loyal to the Organization and now... " he looked down at the floor, clenching his fists. "You're out." he looked up with resolve in his eyes. "If you were going to betray us in then you shouldn't have given in to the darkness IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" A surge of dark energy erupted from Zexion. So strong that it cracked the lenses of Rude's sunglasses.


    Zexion waved his hand at Lexaeus. "Wake up, Braveheart, I'm in an extremely foul mood now and I'd appreciate it if you or Xemnas or anybody else in this room DOESN'T ENCOURAGE MY FLIPPIN BEHAVIOR!!!"
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Anase
    "Hmm...Lexaeus has intercepted him... he's outnumbered, I know he's big and with his element being earth, he is very strong physically but those turks... he's outmatched."
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Anase
    Zexion nodded. "We can never really trust the newer members... newer... members... newer..." he suddenly blanked out and thinking about what Rude told him then quickly shook his head. "Well at least there's some odds going in our favor, Saix will no longer go Berserk and... that's just dandy. We have to consider what we're up against... 4 turks... a pyromaniac... a berserkless nobody... and a... um... flamboyant nobody... Hoo boy, we have our work cut out for us."
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Anase
    Ooh I wanna try my hand at Axel pweesh. XD
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Anase
    Zexion nodded and put hid hand over the wound, mouthing cure. He stared at Xemnas for 10 seconds and it hit him.


    He was speechless. That information was illogical to him. It was impossible. Irrelivent, it was...

    'I thought you were speechless.'

    'Shut up, 2.'

    "So... what happened... why is it corrupted? aside from all of us having gravity defying hair."
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    Rude opened his eyes to see that he was no longer under the pile of Zexions... but in a room with Elena and Tseng. "Well... this is pretty different..."


    "GET THE [meow!] OFF NOW!!!"

    The Zexion clones shuffled out of the pile and the original was on the ground in a limp heap, his left eye twitching. "Never do that... again... GOT IT!?!?" The clones nodded and faded away. Zexion sat up and sniffed the air. "Hmm... I smell trouble..." "O Rly, Lassie?" Zexion glared at Zexion2. "FADE BACK INTO THE DARK UNTIL I SUMMON YOU OR YOU'LL BE PUSHING UP MARLUXIA's DAISES!!!" Zexion2 eeped and faded away. "I am really stressed out but... let's think what has happened so far... 4 turks in our world... one of them is a relative of Axel... Axel betrayed the organization... and now the turks are in hiding... but who is hiding them? Certainly not Axel, I can detect that he's somewhere with a turk... and everyone else..."

    He narrowed his eyes when he picked up Saix's and Xemnas's scents. "Battle... and Saix is going Berserk..." he looked up at the sky again and sighed. "What is happening to this Organization?"
    Post by: Anase, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Anase
    Zexion and Rude stared at each other...

    and stared...

    stared more...



    Zexion threw his book away and ran at Rude. The two began to fight kung fu old school style with "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting" playing in the background. The fight last for ten minutes then Zexion created his illusions again and soon, the fight was looking like something off the Matrix. The illusions surrounded Rude. "Well now, Mr. Anderson... looks like you're in trouble." Rude glared behind his shades. "My name... is Neo-hey wait a minute!" This distracted Rude as the illusions dog-piled on him.
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase

    Saix couldn't hold his composure any longer and began laughing. This was just pure classicness. "If I had a heart... oh screw it, I'm DYING OF LAUGHTER!!! I need a camcorder!" he soon was rolling around.
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Anase
    Saix stares at everyone then shakes his head. Dancing. Yeah. Not cool. It tarnishes rep... unless you have skillz that killz. "I need to stop watching those inspirational dance movies like... Save the Last Dance... Step up... Honey... Bring it On... brr..." he shivered to himself however he pulled out a moon plushie from his coat and cuddled it. "my precioussss..."
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Anase
    Can I be Saix?

    reason: wants to see everyone make complete fools out of themselves and not suck up to xemnas more than he lets on, plus, always cuddling with a moon plushie when no one is looking. XD
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Anase
    Awesome! happy b-day! *throws confetti* woot!
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Anase
    *insert cheesy talk* Love is like the wind, it comes and goes. *back to normal* Nowadays, love is kinda like... okay, you like them for a while then woosh, hey why aren't we talking? Well, that's what I've witnessed. XD listening to music, talking with friends and playing your absolute favorite videogame is usually the cure, I was gonna say ice cream but... you do not want to eat away your depression.
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Anase


    *nods* well since it's your first con, be forewarned. You will probably witness random glomps, yaoi paddlings, lots of squealing from fangirls, flashes from pictures, possibly find yourself walking by in a video on Youtube afterwards, etc.

    I've found those out the hard way... especially the yaoi paddling... brr... never again...
    Post by: Anase, May 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Anase


    Cons are uber fun. I've been to two so far. *n00b* Everyone is really nice and you make awesome new friends and not to mention the random stuff cosplayers do. (numa numa dance, yaoi paddling, etc.) XD

    A-kon... sigh... if only I had the financial resources to make it to that. I can only go to cons that are a reasonable driving distance in or around Kansas. (went to Anime Fest Wichita and Naka-Kon.) ^_^ But if my dad gives the okay, I might be able to go to Youmacon. Woot!
    Post by: Anase, May 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Anase
    ((( Hi hi! XD)))

    Zexion sat up and checked himself over. He was pretty beat up, he didn't notice it before. "Xigbar, you are dead... as soon as I... aw forget it." He healed himself and stood up, walking up to Rude. He kicked him in the side and Rude grunted a little. "Darn... you live..." Rude turned his head to look up at Zexion. "You Organization guys... you're strong... especially you... for someone so young... that's really sad." Zexion glared. "It took me years to master my abilities and to use them with deadly efficiency (sp?). I didn't just all of a sudden be this masterful yesterday so I don't know what you're talking about."

    Rude shook his head and sat up against the wall. He took off his sunglasses and took out a cloth from his pocket and began cleaning the lenses. "What you guys are doing... Is it what you want or what that Xemnas guy wants?" the Cloaked Schemer raised a brow. 'What the?' Rude continued. "You guys are chasing after something that you probably won't ever get back... have you ever once regreted it?"

    "Have I... regreted.... No! Of course not!" he lied. There were times when he regreted walking through that door... heck, he was still skeptic about it which kinda explains his rank in the Organization. He was the last to do it. He had his doubts but he went through anyway. Zexion then narrowed his eyes. "You're trying to psyche me out, aren't you?" "Yeah, It was working, wasn't it?" Zexy smirked. "Indeed it was, but remember, I am the Cloaked Schemer of Organization XIII... I know all the tricks in the book." Rude shrugged and put his sunglasses back on. "Well, I tried.... but I guess I'm just gonna have to fight you more." Zexion's eyes widen as Rude stands up and dusts himself off and gets into a fighting stance. It was like he never got hurt or anything.

    " Turks... are interesting opponents... it's good to see that you still have some fight left in you, I was beginning to get disappointed with you all... but I see that you four are not to be underestimated so easily." "Nicely put kid, so, are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?"

    Zexion smiled and opened his book, "...the hard way of course."
    Post by: Anase, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    ((( Hoorayz! I have returned! )))

    If Namine had a heart, it would be skipping its beats right now. Xemnas, Zexion... They were here. THEY. WERE. HEEEEERRREEE!!! "I need to get out of here... I have to go back to Aerith's..." She began to slowly back up towards the entrance when she stopped. 'What am I doing? why am I running? Why am I still afraid of them... why...' She sat down at a table and folded her arms on the table and put her head down, crying silently. 'I'm so weak... I can never escape the past... or them... never...'

    Meanwhile, with Aerith...

    She finally got off the bus and began walking again to find Namine. "Oh, where could she be? ....Hey, I got it!" She reached in her ribbon holding her braided hair and took out a light green sphere. "I know I shouldn't be using this here but it's for a good cause. Holy Materia, with your radiant light" she held the materia close to her heart. "Light the way to my missing friend." The materia glowed and floated out of her hands and began flying down the street. "....I should've tied a rope around it, WAIT UP!!!" Aerith began chasing the materia.
    Post by: Anase, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase

    O Rly? j/k, I honestly thought she was funnier... but alas, she was a worthy opponent and I'll miss her. I really do hope she comes back because... she's left all of us in suspense of her many hilarious fics... many? I mean ALL of them. Now, as far as I know, I'm the only one left that could provide Organization XIII hilarious insanity, but Foxxie pwns at that stuff! *goes into emo corner with a raining cloud overhead*. :(
    Post by: Anase, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Anase
    Namine looked up to find herself back at the club. Had she really walked that far? "but then again... I was too busy thinking about.... THAT place... and THEM... I need to talk to Kairi, maybe talking with my Somebody will make me feel better." She wandered into the club, squinting her eyes to find Kairi.
    Post by: Anase, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Anase
    *bows* it's okay. I was having a debate with myself about what tone I should use because I didn't want my voice to sound too high but... I guess I'll show off my second attempt if it's any better... if not, I'll try for another char. The first one is slightly higher and the second one is high. Both are from the conversation with Axel.
    Post by: Anase, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Anase
    ^_^ thanks Kota. I have the rest of my Larxene clips but they have terrible background noises so I'll re-record them tomorrow. They include:

    conversation with Axel before she fights Sora.
    conversation with Vexen
    long conversation with sora about stuff.

    Now, I'm tired. zzZZZZZZ
    Post by: Anase, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Production Studio