*revives NED* What happened to dying so many times hurting you??
*shifty eyes* *whispers* DAD!! But not only heem... It's Michael Myers too! Like, Halloween Michael Myers? Yeah, him!! I'm glad I'm back too, Ian! I missed you guys! *huggles all* *Pokes HisNobody 5000 times with Vinnie's claw like dad suggested* *hugs Ian* T'is okay! She'll be backeh! For now... BE HAPPEH!! Pwease?
Smooth, Ian, reaaaaal smooth! ^^ I have the same birthday as a serial killer, just so you all know. O.O
I'll have you all know... NED dares to mock Macie. ME!! Of all people!! *pokes NED* I'm making you known!! *insert maniacal laugh here**chokes**more maniacal laugh*
NUUU!!! *gets poked with spork of doom 300 times* *pulls out giant finger* *pokes HisNobody 500 times* BAM! Hey there, *Oblivion*! I'm lookaheartless, Raine, LAH, or Macie, the Insane Child ^^
*o* *gets poked* *stares* *pokes 100 times too* ^_^
That's good. Nyeh, I'm okay, thanks.
Hey, Ian Hey, HisNobody! *gets glomped and glomps back* How are you?
Oh, we're talking about khchick, huh? Well, no worries! As soon as she gets back, I've gotta leave for real.
*le gaspehz and points at Zack* SHAAAAAAME!!! Well, if they actually read the SECOND LINE OF YOUR POST!!! then they'll know.
Hey, it's your choice. I'd probably be the only one not surprised.
I still don't know if they'd catch it.
IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! I guess so. (The things I will do for you.)
Why am I the only one to catch that?!
I forgot to add: And if anyone acts like this is a funeral again, I might come back and sic Vampire Valentine over here on you, mmmmkay? (Something to remember me by, I guess)
Well guys, I'm gonna go ahead and go. I might see you Friday if I still have to watch Zack for Aerith. I guess I'll be seeing you. *does Zack wave* *hugs* I love you all.
I swear. Yeah, thanks, a lot.
Not like, literally, guys. You know that, right? I wouldn't tell stuff like that. Besides, if I wanted to be dead, I probably would be. Don't worry about it, twilit. There's nothing going on to be worried about.
Thanks, twilit, I appreciate it. Besides that. I'm just killing myself more and more.
*runs hand down face* Now, remind me again why I came back?