"all right but i may have to go to the infirmery later i am still banged up from yesterday" he said as he shot hundreds of small shard ice sicles at the heartless and then froze 10 more in there place
Kardex shoot an ice missle at the heartless and then picked himself up he should Ikki's hand and for an instant light glowed around him "your right I need more training and this looks like the way to get it done" he picked his spear up and started attacking the heartless
occ others can join in the battle now that the dome is off by itself Kardex was struck by and invisible heatless by the sword which knocked kardex backwards onto the ground
occ since we can't have Tynoxahn in the dome he can be outside it because there is still heartless in the world but most of them our in the dome but the rest still need killing "Man this job has crappy hours for the pay i get" Kardex laughed then summoned his spear and he started killing the heartless but he was weak from yesterday
Kinara could see through the darkness because of his element but barely he put his strenth in his keyblade and then darkness sournded him Kinara gathered energy then charged through the heartless but the dome was to black for any one else to get in or out. occ no entering the dome! you find out what happens tomarrow bic: Kardex looked around "whats happening?"
Kinara looked up at Chernabog it had grown more powerful then he had expected he jumped up in the air flying up towards it runing his keyblade parrel to chernabog hurting it but then flames shot all around Chernabog sending kinara flying backwards into the dome
Kinara rose in the air and his eyes started to glow and a dark aura swirled around him then it was like a dark bomb had been droped destroying thousands of heartless when the dark aura faded he ran up closing in the large heartless
occ no she is not where the heartless and X are Kinara summoned his Dark Ultima and began to fight the swarms of heartless making his way to the leader. swinging his keyblade and using dark attacts but it only put a dent in the massive wave engolfing the world
The heartless came in swarms Kinara watched them and said "Another Kingdom Hearts resides in this world i can feel it that mean it cannot be allowed to fall in the darkness.... at least...... not yet" Kinara started to glide over too where the heartless was moving toward the castle
Kinara appeared before the kingdom hearts "Kingdom heats this thing barely qualifies when the twilight guardians were fighting and killing each other it became infected now it is no use ....." Darkness then started to form around Kingdom hearts and it became a gaint heartless instantly the world seemed to be crawling with heartless and a black vortex apeared where kingdom hearts was
Kardex woke up lieing over the frozen pond his wounds had mostly healed from yesterday he got up his ribs still hurt from him being crushed by the metal hand. he wondered what happened yesterday he couldn't remember too much of it he got up and started limbing towards the castle he then noticed that the knives in him had faded away myrejex was dead
Kardexs body floated down through the air after a minute his body hit the ground with a splash as he fell into Nebx's pond but he was alive even uncounious his power frosted over the pond saving his life A voice came to Myrejex it was Kinara "Myrejex victory is at hand do it take the life" occ think i am going to bed
"I won't give up" the ice in the air swirled around the platform he directed it at Myrejex and then using his strenth made a large missle of ice and hurled it at Myrejex it hit him but Kardex did not see the row of knives behind him he stumbled back 4 in his torso and fell off the platform leaving a trail of blood behind him
occ times like this make me wished i had a lava element could melt the metal then the cold was inside him it was every where Kardex did not think he could do anything agaist Myrejex's powerful element but he had to try HE covered the entire surface of the metal cover with ice in hope of weakening his power the hand that was holding him frosted over and broke apart it was so cold Kardex got up and started hacking at Myrejex with his spear
occ wtf is wrong with you Tynoxahn WE ARE ON METAL are you trying to kill ALL of us your element will not effect him Kardex couldn't breath the pressure being exerted on him was too much then a jolt from Tynoxahn went through him to he didn;t know how much more he could take
Metal being a contuctor to heat and cold everyone immedaitely felt the cold ice as it went down to Zero [F for those of you in england] The fist was crushing him and inside something began to stir
blood flew out of kardex as the foot contected with his nose he was sent back wards sprawling and thats when he got angry thats when the cold started....
accually the suit is evil
Kardex stoped his ice fire when he saw they were in trouble and created ice shield to try to protect them but it only lessened the damage of the knives kardex then attacked him with his spear
Kardex looked at Myrejex and he could feel the power radiating from him he forgot what Xornadj had said all three of them battling him at the same time would be lucky to survive this He ran at Myrejex throwing a hail of ice crystals at him